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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-47 |
Relationship between Motivation and Critical Thinking Skills on Biology Learning Outcomes in Grade XI IPA at SMAN in Gowa Regency Muh Hasim Arfah(1), Nurhayati B (2), Rachmawaty (3), Walid Sofyan (4)
Universitas Negeri Makassar (1,2,3), SMA 10 Gowa (4)
The research aims to examine the relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes, the relationship between critical thinking skills and learning outcomes, and to examine the relationship between learning motivation and students^ thinking skills on learning outcomes. This type of research is ex post facto research with a correlational design with two independent variables and one dependent variable. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. Data collection through tests and distribution of questionnaires. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially with simple and multiple regression tests. The results of the study reveal that (i) the motivation to study Biology in grade XI IPA at SMAN in Gowa Regency is in high category, (ii) the critical thinking skill of students in grade XI IPA at SMAN in Gowa Regency is in moderate category, (iii) the learning outcomes of grade XI students at SMAN IPA in Gowa Regency is in moderate category, (iv) the relationship between learning motivation and Biology learning outcomes for grade XI IPA students at SMAN in Gowa Regency is in moderate category, (v) the relationship between critical thinking skills and Biology learning outcomes for grade XI IPA students at SMAN in Gowa regency is in strong category, and (vi) the relationship between learning motivation and critical thinking skills collectively on Biology learning outcomes in grade XI IPA at SMAN in Gowa Regency is in strong category.
Keywords: Learning Motivation, Learning Outcomes, Critical Thinking Skills, SMAN Gowa
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Hasim Arfah)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-52 |
Improving the Creative Thinking Skills of SMAN 1 Kampar kiri Riau Students through the Implementation of PjBL-STEM Aprilia Adila Putri (a*), Evi Suryawati (b), Sri Wulandari (b)
Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Riau
21st century education emphasizes the development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS), including creative thinking. The PjBL model is suitable to be combined with the STEM approach because it can stimulate students to think critically and creatively in planning projects, designing and producing the best products. This study aims to determine the improving creative thinking skills of student through the application of the STEM-integrated PjBL model on biodiversity material. The research sample was 57 students of class X IPA SMAN 1 Kampar Kiri who were taken using saturated sampling technique. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Data is collected through tests and observations of creative thinking. Data were analyzed statistically including the N-Gain test, normality test, and the Mann Whitney hypothesis test (U test), then the results of the creative thinking test and observations were also analyzed descriptively. The N-Gain results of STEM integrated PjBL learning obtained a value of 0.44 (effective) compared to the N-gain value of conventional learning which was only 0.25 (less effective), hypothesis testing obtained results U = 0.022 < Utable = 0.05 then Ho was rejected accepts H1, it can be concluded that the STEM-integrated PjBL model has a significant effect on improving creative thinking skills of student, especially on biodiversity material.
Keywords: Creative Thinking- STEM-Integrated PjBL Model- Biodiversity
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| Corresponding Author (Aprilia Adila Putri)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-77 |
Student Perceptions in the Development of Web-Based Virtual Tour Applications for learning biodiversity Diki Muhamad Chaidir- Diana Hernawati- Irani Hoeronis- Rinaldi Rizal Putra
Biology Education Department, Universitas Siliwangi- Informatics Deapatment, Universitas Siliwangi
The development of learning using virtual applications has now been widely developed to be able to help students understand material about biology. This web-based virtual tour application was developed based on information needs for information on biodiversity potential local nearby. Student perception is seen from several devices: feasibility, content, and aesthetics. The application development method uses the waterfall method with the Communication, Planning, Modelling, construction, Deployment, and maintenance sequence. Each stage of development provides an overview of the stages of each process in developing the device. Overall, the devices gave me a very good perception of students. The web-based virtual tour application provides clarity, material content, and aesthetics for biology learning on biodiversity material. The information contained in the application is very helpful in obtaining data on potential local diversity. However, its use still has obstacles, especially a stable internet connection.
Keywords: Virtual Tour, Biodiversity, Student Perceptions
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| Corresponding Author (Diki Muhamad Chaidir)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-90 |
Improving Students Scientific Writing Skills through Discovery Learning: A Systematic Review Opik Prasetyo, Bowo Sugiharto, Harlita
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Scientific writing skills are essential for students to express ideas or thoughts in various media such as practicum reports. Students^ scientific writing skills can be trained through the implementation of learning models that can empower science process skills, namely discovery learning. This study aims to analyze various articles related to the implementation of discovery learning models in science learning to improve students^ scientific writing skills. This research is a systematic review with the PRISMA method using the keywords ^discovery learning^ and ^writing skills^. Ten articles were found from the Scopus online database published during the last 10 years (2013-2023). The articles were then selected based on inclusion criteria such as the discovery learning model applied in science learning. The selection results with the inclusion criteria obtained 7 relevant articles for further analysis. The results of the systematic review analysis showed that the implementation of the discovery learning model in science learning can improve students^ ability to formulate research questions, explain experimental procedures, present experimental data, write experimental reports, and improve critical thinking skills and mastery of science concepts. The conclusion in this study shows that the implementation of the discovery learning model in science learning can improve students^ scientific writing skills. The systematic review of various articles on the implementation of the discovery learning model is expected to be a reference for teachers, especially in learning biology to improve students^ scientific writing skills.
Keywords: scientific writing skills, discovery learning model, science learning.
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| Corresponding Author (Opik Prasetyo)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-93 |
High school student knowledge, perceptions and attitude toward climate change issue Agung Subiantoro, Rizka Azizah, Rekhisa Kurniawati
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This study aims to determine the Grade-10 students^ knowledge, perceptions and attitudes toward climate change issue. This was a descriptive research with survey method and involved 532 students from public schools in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia. The data were obtained through a knowledge test and questionnaires which adopted from previous studies, and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that all students^ knowledge, perceptions and attitude toward climate change issue are in the moderate category. These findings then further discussed in the paper.
Keywords: high school student, knowledge, perceptions, attitude, climate change
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| Corresponding Author (Agung Wijaya Subiantoro)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-97 |
Strengthening the Basic Skills of Students^ Intellectual Process Skills through the Application of Interactive Demonstrations from Levels of Inquiry Susi Martini, Ida Kaniawati, Sri Anggraeni, Ana Ratna Wulan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The application of the inquiry model in the 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia aims to change the paradigm of student learning from passive to active, increase conceptual understanding, and develop 21st-century skills needed in a continuously developing society. Inquiry is a procedure commonly carried out by scientists and adults who have high motivation in an effort to understand natural phenomena, clarify understanding, and apply it in everyday life. The inquiry model is centered on student activities, but the teacher still plays an important role as a maker of learning experience designs. The teacher is obliged to guide students to carry out activities. Sometimes teachers need to provide explanations, ask questions, and provide comments and suggestions to students. This study aims to investigate interactive demonstration methods for high school students, and whether they can strengthen students^ intellectual process skills in learning the concept of the digestive system of food. Prior to learning, the teacher prepares learning steps and student worksheets to improve basic skills such as predicting, obtaining, and processing data, explaining, formulating, and revising scientific explanations, using logic and evidence, recognizing and analyzing explanations. Interactive demonstrations in digestive system learning force students to demonstrate their prior knowledge and use that knowledge to make predictions during the demonstration. By actively engaging students and encouraging them to use prior knowledge, interactive presentations allow students to be actively engaged in learning, make connections between new concepts and existing knowledge, and develop their predictive and understanding abilities. All students stated that they understood the learning material after learning through interactive demonstrations.
Keywords: Keywords: basic skills, intellectual process skills, interactive demonstration.
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| Corresponding Author (Susi Martini)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-99 |
Factors That Can Affect Critical Thinking Skills-A Literature Review Nella Puspita Sari, Munawir Yusuf, Sri Yamtinah
Sebelas Maret University
This study deals with critical thinking skills which are one of the skills that must be mastered in the 21st century. Critical thinking skills can be trained in learning activities in various ways. Critical thinking skills can help students to solve problems and assist in making decisions and assessing the situations they face in the real world. To improve critical thinking skills, we need to know the factors that can affect students^ critical thinking skills. A systematic review of various literature is carried out to provide an overview of the factors that can influence critical thinking skills. The results show that factors that can affect critical thinking skills are the curriculum used, learning activities in the classroom where the teaching methods and media used by the teacher have a major influence on students^ critical thinking skills, an intelligent learning environment, learning motivation, peer involvement, and experience. obtained outside the classroom also affects students^ critical thinking skills.
Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills
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| Corresponding Author (Nella Puspita Sari)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-102 |
PRELIMINARY STUDY: IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL HABITS OF MIND (HoM) FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN WEST LOMBOK DISTRICT Masiah (a*), Laras Firdaus (a) , Siti Rabiatul Fajri (a), Ramdhani Sucilestari (b), Izwaldi (a)
a) Biology education study program, Mandalika University of Education, Mataram, Indonesia
b) PGMI PTK UIN Mataram
This research is an initial study in the development of high school biology textbooks in Lombok. Learning biology does not only emphasize cognitive aspects, but it is also important to have affective and psychomotor abilities. This study aims to identify the potential habits of mind of high school students in West Lombok District. This research was conducted in three high schools in West Lombok district with a total of 133 respondents. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire instrument which consisted of three components, namely self-regulation, critical thinking and creative thinking which were then spread out into 40 items. Data were analyzed with quantitative descriptive method. Based on the results of data analysis, it was shown that in general the three high school schools in West Lombok district showed habits of mind in the sufficient category. The highest percentage of students habits of mind was found in students from school x, followed by students from school z and students from school y in third place. The results of this study will become a reference for researchers for further research in the development of high school biology textbooks.
Keywords: Preliminary Study, habits of mind
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| Corresponding Author (Masiah Masiah)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-104 |
Antioxidant Activity Test of Banana Peel Extract from Various Types of Solvents and Their Application in Tofu Production Hida Arliani N. A (a*), Myra Wardati Sari (b)
a) Biology Department, ITERA, Jl. Terusan Ryacudu, Way Huwi, Kec. Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan 35365, Indonesia
b) Chemical Engineering, Polytecjnic TEDC, Jl. Pesantren Km. 2, Kel, Cibabat, Kec. Cimahi Utara 40513, Indonesia
Banana peels contain chemical compounds like antioxidants including flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, steroids, and triterpenoids. The presence of this antioxidant content allows banana peels to be extracted and used as a source of additional antioxidants for food. This study aims to determine the level of antioxidant strenght of banana peel extract as a natural antioxidant resulting from maceration of various types of solvents (water, methanol, and ethanol) that added to tofu production. Banana peel extract is the result of maceration of various types of solvents, namely water, ethanol and methanol. The first stage of research was the manufacture of banana peel extract using water, ethanol, and methanol as solvents. The second stage was carried out by an antioxidant test for banana peel extract. The third stage is tofu production with a combination of banana peel extract with ethanol and methanol solvent with various concentrations of 0%, 2%, and 4%. The fourth stage is testing the antioxidant activity of tofu fortified banana peel extract. The method used to see antioxidant activity was the DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl Hidrazil) method. The antioxidant activity result analysis then used to determine the strength of the antioxidant activity (IC50). The results showed that the highest antioxidant activity value was obtained in the macerated banana peel extract using ethanol solvent, namely 70.24% with an IC50 value of 72.99 and included in the strong antioxidant group, while the highest antioxidant value in tofu was the addition of banana peel extract with a concentration of 4% methanol at a shelf life of 0 days at room temperature. The use of banana peel extract can increase the value of antioxidant activity, although it will decrease from day to day.
Keywords: Antioxidant activity, ethanol, methanol, tofu.
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| Corresponding Author (Hida Arliani Nur Anisa)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-118 |
Different Concentrations and Solubility of Active Lime (CaCO3) on the Quantity and Quality of Indigo Paste from Indigofera longeracemosa Boiv.ex.Baill. Muzzazinah*, Hilmi Uulul Azmi
Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University
This study aims to investigate the influence of different concentrations and solubility of active lime (25% and 35% active lime solution, 25% and 35% active lime sediment solution) on the quality of Indigofera dye paste (Indigofera longeracemosa). The method of producing indigo dye paste involves the process of soaking fresh Indigofera leaves and twigs in water, fermentation with active lime solution (CaCO3) with varying concentrations and solubility, precipitation, and filtration to obtain Indigofera paste. Several tests were conducted to evaluate the color quality on fabric and the indigo content in the Indigofera paste to assess the resulting dye paste quality. The results of this study indicate that that different treatments of giving activated lime with different concentrations and solubility gave varying results on the color, texture, aroma, and mass of the Indigofera paste produced. This research is expected to provide a better understanding of the influence of different concentrations and solubility of active lime on the quality of indigofera dye paste.
Keywords: Indigofera longeracemosa, indigo paste, active lime, concentration, solubility, dye, quality
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| Corresponding Author (MUZZAZINAH Yayin)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-128 |
Phytochemical and GC-MS Analysis of Parmelia Sulcata (Ascomycota: Parmeliaceae) As an Natural Dyes Muzzazinah(a*), Awanda Elrita Putri (a) Nurmiyati (b), Alanindra Saputra (b)
Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta
Parmelia sulcata is the largest lichen fungus family consisting of around 2,700 species spread across 80 countries. This study aims to determine whether Parmelia sulcata has potential as a natural dye to be applied to natural fiber fabrics. The method used is Phytochemical analysis and GC-MS testing, where from the Phytochemical and GC-MS results there are various compounds, therefore researchers want to provide laboratory test data for chemical content in Parmelia sulcata species. The results of the phytochemical tests and GC-MS were as follows 3,5-Dihydroxytoluene 33.77%- 2-[3^ Hydroxypropyl]-1,4-Benzenediol 3,32%- 1,3-Benzenediol, 2-Methyl 3.75%- Beta Resorcylic Acid, 6-Methyl, Methyl Ester 1.43%- Beta Resorcylic Acid, 6-Methyl, Methyl Ester 8.56%- 3-Cyclohexene-1-Methanol,6-1(1-Hydroxycyclopentyl)-, Cis 1.91%- Beta Resorcylic Acid, 6-Methyl, Methyl Ester 37.15%- Acetonitrile, 9h-Pyrolo[1,2-A] Indole-9-Ylidene 1.00%- Fluoranthene-2-Carboxaldehyde 3.62%, this shows that Parmelia sulcata is not good potential to be used as a natural dye.
Keywords: Parmelia Sulcata, GC-MS, Phytochemistry, Natural Dyes, Compound Content
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| Corresponding Author (Awanda Elrita Putri)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-129 |
Phytochemical and GC-MS Analysis of Parmelia Sulcata (Ascomycota: Parmeliaceae) As an Natural Dyes Muzzazinah*, Awanda Elrita Putri, Nurmiyati, Alanindra Saputra
Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta
Parmelia sulcata is the largest lichen fungus family consisting of around 2,700 species spread across 80 countries. This study aims to determine whether Parmelia sulcata has potential as a natural dye to be applied to natural fiber fabrics. The research location is in Tanen Village, Kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Central Java. Sample exploration was carried out using the cruising method, the samples were analyzed using GC-MS, where from the GC-MS results there were various compounds, therefore the researcher wanted to provide laboratory test data for the chemical content of the Parmelia sulcata species. The results of the phytochemical tests and GC-MS were as follows 3,5-Dihydroxytoluene 33.77%- 2-[3^ Hydroxypropyl]-1,4-Benzenediol 3,32%- 1,3-Benzenediol, 2-Methyl 3.75%- Beta Resorcyclic Acid, 6-Methyl, Methyl Ester 1.43%- Beta Resorcyclic Acid, 6-Methyl, Methyl Ester 8.56%- 3-Cyclohexene-1-Methanol,6-1(1-Hydroxycyclopentyl)-, Cis 1.91%- Beta Resorcyclic Acid, 6-Methyl, Methyl Ester 37.15%- Acetonitrile, 9h-Pyrolo[1,2-A] Indole-9-Ylidene 1.00%- Fluoranthene-2-Carboxaldehyde 3.62%, this shows that Parmelia sulcata is not good potential to be used as a natural dye.
Keywords: Parmelia Sulcata, GC-MS, Phytochemistry, Natural Dyes, Compound Content
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| Corresponding Author (MUZZAZINAH Yayin)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-132 |
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Camellia sinensis Seed Bark Extract and Potential as a Natural Coloring Agent Muzzazinah, Nurmiyati, Alanindra Saputra, Yudi Rinanto, Fitria Iga Mawarni
Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University
This study aims to analyze the content of compounds that have the potential as natural dyes in Camellia sinensis seed coat extract to explore the value of developing natural dyes in plants. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis was used to identify the content of bioactive compounds in Camellia sinensis seed coat extract, the results revealed that there were 10 compounds namely Eugenol, 3,5-Dihydroxytoluence (Orcinol), Heptanoic acid, Neophytadiene, Caffeine, Vitamin E, Stigmasta-7, 16-dien-3-ol, α--Amyrin, Stigmast-7-en-3-ol, (3β-, 5α-)-, 4,4A,6B,8A,11,11,12B,14A-Octamrthyldocosahydro-3-Picenol. Caffeine is the most dominant compound in Camellia sinensis seed coat with a content of 60.97%. The potential activity of natural dyes in Camellia sinensis seed coat extract is produced by the compound 3,5-Dihydroxytoluence (Orcinol), so that it can be used as a quality raw material agent in the development of natural dyes.
Keywords: Natural dyes, Camellia sinensis seed coat, extraction, GC-MS, potential
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| Corresponding Author (MUZZAZINAH Yayin)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-133 |
Analysis of Potential Dye Compounds of Clidemia hirta (Magnoliophyta : Melastomataceae) Species in Kemuning with GC-MS Muzzazinah*, Arinda Brilian Tyaswari, Nurmiyati, Alanindra Saputra
Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Clidemia hirta is an invasive plant that can inhibit other species around it. This plant is often found and grows wild throughout the gardens in the village of Kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar. This study aims to determine the bioactive compounds from the C. hirta plant which have the potential as natural dyes and ecoprints. The results showed that there were 15 compounds from C. hirta leaves, one of which was a phytol compound (alcohol diterpenoid) which was included in the terpene group. This compound has the potential as a natural dye because it has an important role as the main constituent of chlorophyll. However, when tested as a dye it did not produce color on the fabric, due to several reasons such as the inappropriate ratio of the number of leaves to water during the boiling stage and the color binding process which was not perfect. When testing the ecoprint with the steam technique, the brown color appears, it is possible that the phytol compounds that produce the green color have been oxidized with oxygen so that the color turns dark. This research was conducted at the Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Sebelas Maret University. The Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method was carried out at the Jakarta Special Capital Region Health Laboratory from June to July 2023.
Keywords: Clidemia hirta, bioactive compound, Natural dye, GC-MS, Ecoprint.
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| Corresponding Author (MUZZAZINAH Yayin)
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Biology and Biology Education |
ABS-134 |
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Camellia sinensis Seed Bark Extract and Potential as a Natural Coloring Agent Muzzazinah, Fitria Iga Mawarni, Nurmiyati, Alanindra Saputra
Sebelas Maret University
This study aims to analyze the content of compounds that have the potential as natural dyes in Camellia sinensis seed coat extract to explore the value of developing natural dyes in plants. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis was used to identify the content of bioactive compounds in Camellia sinensis seed coat extract, the results revealed that there were 10 compounds namely Eugenol, 3,5-Dihydroxytoluence (Orcinol), Heptanoic acid, Neophytadiene, Caffeine, Vitamin E, Stigmasta-7, 16-dien-3-ol, α--Amyrin, Stigmast-7-en-3-ol, (3β-, 5α-)-, 4,4A,6B,8A,11,11,12B,14A-Octamrthyldocosahydro-3-Picenol. Caffeine is the most dominant compound in Camellia sinensis seed coat with a content of 60.97%. The potential activity of natural dyes in Camellia sinensis seed coat extract is produced by the compound 3,5-Dihydroxytoluence (Orcinol), so that it can be used as a quality raw material agent in the development of natural dyes.
Keywords: Natural dyes, Camellia sinensis seed coat, extraction, GC-MS, potential
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| Corresponding Author (Fitria Iga Mawarni)
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Chemistry and Chemistry Education |
ABS-39 |
The application of the Fluidized-Bed Crystallization process to recover iron and copper simultaneously as binary oxide particles from synthetic wastewater Nicolaus Nezha Nunez Mahasti, Yao-Hui Huang
Chemical Engineering Department, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
The simultaneous recovery of iron and copper from synthetic wastewater as binary oxide particles of FeIII0.66CuI0.33@SiO2 was successfully experimented with through the Fluidized-bed crystallization (FBC) process. The operating parameters, including pH and cross-sectional surface loading, were optimized to obtain the highest crystallization efficiency. The different seed materials and organic contaminations were tested. The potential disposal cost-down was also calculated. Under the optimum conditions of pH = 7.5 - 8.5, [Fe(II)]in / [Cu(II)]in = 2 / 1, and total inlet metal concentration of 3 mM. The crystallization ratio (CR) reached 90% for both iron and copper with the corresponding total removal (TR) of >99%. There was no significant effect of removal efficiency in the different supported seed materials. However the CR and TR for iron decreased to 29% and 44.57%, respectively and the CR and TR of copper also decreased to 32.1% and 39.8%, respectively under the contamination of chelating agents that was represented by EDTA. XRD and XPS analysis clearly shows that the iron oxide and copper oxide coated species exist as α--FeOOH and Cu2O. FBC is a promising process to recover heavy metal-containing wastewater as low moisture particles that successfully reduced sludge production and cut disposal costs by up to 36%.
Keywords: Fluidized-bed crystallization- binary metal - oxide- cross-sectional surface loading- crystallization ratio
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| Corresponding Author (Nicolaus Nezha Nunez Mahasti)
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Chemistry and Chemistry Education |
ABS-86 |
Determination of Total Flavonoid Levels from Ethanol, Methanol and Ethyl Acetate Extracts and Test of Antioxidant Activity of Bavoa Leaves (Cleome gynandra L.) Khafizatul Khairiyah (a*), Baharuddin Hamzah (a), Siti Aminah (a), Siti Nuryanti (a), Sri Hastuti (a), Ririen Hardani (b), Muhammad Fakhrul Hardani (b)
a) Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Tadulako, Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.KM. 9, Tondo, Kec. Mantikulore, Kota Palu 94148, Sulawesi Tengah
b) Jurusan Farmasi, Universitas Tadulako, Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.KM. 9, Tondo, Kec. Mantikulore, Kota Palu 94148, Sulawesi Tengah
Bavoa (Cleome gynandra L.) is a wild-growing plant that can be used as a vegetable, this plant is known to contain nutrients potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and ascorbic acid therefore it has the potential to be used as a natural antioxidant. This study aimed to determine total flavonoid levels from ethanol, methanol and ethyl acetate solvents and determine antioxidant activity based on IC50 values of ethyl acetate extract using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The method used to extract is the maceration method with variations in solvent and time. Determination of total flavonoid levels was carried out with AlCl3 reagent and then analyzed using a wavelength of 430 nm. Antioxidant activity testing was carried out with DPPH reagent (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryhidrazyl) then analyzed with a wavelength of 517 nm and determined the IC50 value. The results of total flavonoids of C. gynandra leaves with solvent variations using ethanol extract 1,544 mg/100 g, methanol extract 59.60 mg/100 g, ethyl acetate extract 326.91 mg/100 g. Total flavonoid results with variations in maceration time of ethyl acetate extract 1 day 362.40 mg/100 g, 3 days 403.32 mg/100 g and 5 days 420.76 mg/100 g. Results of antioxidant testing (IC50) with ethyl acetate extract 498.46 ppm. This study showed that the highest total flavonoid levels were with ethyl acetate solvent with a maceration time of 5 days of 420.76 mg / 100 g and the antioxidant ethyl acetate extract of C. gynandra leaves has very weak antioxidant activity.
Keywords: Cleome gynandra leaves, total flavonoid, antioxidant, UV-Vis spectrophotometry
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| Corresponding Author (Khafizatul Khairiyah)
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Chemistry and Chemistry Education |
ABS-87 |
Treatment of Swamp Water into Raw Water using Blended Activated Charcoal and Moringa Seeds (Moringa oleifera lamk) Isnaini M. Y. Bangko*, Baharuddin Hamzah, Tri Santoso, Sitti Rahmawati, Sri Hastuti Virgianti
Tadulako University, Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.KM. 9, Tondo, Kec. Mantikulore, Palu 94148, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
Clean water supply in the Palu City area is still a problem in the scope of environmental health because its quality must be in accordance with health requirements, especially the iron metal (Fe) content in clean water. The city of Palu and its surroundings have many swampy areas. Therefore, the right way is needed for the treatment of swamp water into clean water. This study aimed to determine the quality of swamp water using blended coconut activated charcoal and moringa seeds (Moringa oleifera lamk). Mineral levels are determined using an atomic absorption spectrometer (SSA). The results of the study obtained from swamp water samples with code A activated charcoal moringa seeds (Moringa oleifera lamk) results iron content (Fe) 0.2 mg / L, code B activated charcoal shell results of iron content 0.1 mg / L, code C a mixture of activated charcoal coconut shell and moringa seeds with a composition of 1:1 the result of iron content of 0.2 mg / L, for code D a mixture of activated charcoal coconut shell and moringa seeds with a composition of 1:2 the result of iron content of 0.2 mg / L, and for code E a mixture of activated charcoal coconut shell and moringa seeds with a composition of 2:1 the result of iron content is not detected. This study shows that the best swamp water treatment results are sample E (coconut shell charcoal and moringa seeds with a composition of 2:1).
Keywords: Water quality, swamp water, coconut shell activated charcoal and moringa seed activated charcoal (Moringa oleifera lamk), iron, atomic absorption spectrometer (SSA)
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| Corresponding Author (Isnaini M.Y Bangko)
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Chemistry and Chemistry Education |
ABS-101 |
MOOCs-Based PBL Learning to Empower Chemical Literacy Aspects of Knowledge in High School students Mahbub Alwathoni(a*), Sulistyo Saputro(b), Mohammad Masykuri(b), Sri Yamtinah(b)
(a) Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
(b) Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to analyze chemical literacy skills in content, procedural and epistemic knowledge in grade 10 high school students through the PBL model based on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). This study uses a sequential explanatory design with mixed research methods. Data was collected by testing chemical literacy abilities, interviews and observations. The study participants were 80 grade 10 high school students from three districts in Central Java, Indonesia. Quantitative data and Rasch modelling were analyzed by determining the average pretest and posttest scores. Qualitative data comes from interviews and observations. Quantitative analysis showed that the chemical literacy ability in pretest data was lacking, namely an average score of 44.82. Chemical literacy questions on epistemic knowledge dominate the category of complex questions. After being treated with the PBL model, the posttest score increased with an average value of 66.50. Even though the posttest average score did not exceed the KKM, namely 75.80, applying the MOOCs-based PBL model for empowering chemical literacy skills was immensely helpful with an effect size of 1.1819 (good category). An interesting finding in this study is that the problem orientation stage in PBL could not be optimal because students^ prior knowledge is not connected to the new knowledge learned. The suggestion from the results of this study is that strengthening the problem orientation stage in PBL requires a clear learning organization so that the following PBL stages can run well.
Keywords: PBL, MOOCs, Chemical Literacy, Rasch modeling
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| Corresponding Author (Mahbub Alwathoni)
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Chemistry and Chemistry Education |
ABS-119 |
The Effectiveness of Capping Agent Addition in the form of Starch to Fe2O3 Nanomaterials on the Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye Lina Mahardiani, Sahda Nabilah Qurrotul Aini, Febri Yogi Pratama, Wirawan Cipto Nugroho, Endang Susilowati, Sulistyo Saputro
Universitas Sebelas Maret
In this study, Fe2O3 (N-F) nano-materials were synthesized using bottom-up method and co-precipitation technique. Capping agent from the addition of corn flour (N-FMz), mocaf flour (N-FMf), and tapioca flour (N-FTp) was used as a modification to control the size and morphology of iron oxide nano-particles so as to improve the performance of the photocatalyst in degrading dyes optimally. The capped nano iron oxide showed an increase in dye degradation activity when compared to the unmodified nano iron oxide. The results of XRD, SEM, and FTIR showed a difference in morphology in the material, namely the formation of a sponge layer as an indication of the capping agent derived from flour and the addition of functional groups in the form of C-H, C = C, O-H. The material size of N-F was obtained at 4.64 nm, N-FMf at 6.61 nm, N-FMz 3,90 nm, and N-FTp 2.98 nm. In the degradation of 10 ppm methylene blue dye, optimal results were obtained at the 60th minute with an efficiency of 95.166% in N-FMz, 98.020% in N-FMf, 98.161% in N-FTp. However, in N-F only obtained a degradation efficiency of 75.578%. So it can be concluded that the addition of capping agent can improve the performance of the photocatalyst with the largest increase in N-FTp by 22.58%.
Keywords: Fe2O3, capping agent, degradation, photocatalytic
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Chemistry and Chemistry Education |
ABS-120 |
Processing of Iron Oxide Waste from Modified Steel Industry as Photocatalyst in Degradation of Dyes Lina Mahardiani, Sahda Nabilah Qurrotul Aini, Endar Tri Widyawati, Wirawan Cipto Nugroho, Sulistyo Saputro
Universitas Sebelas Maret
In this study, Fe2O3 nanomaterials synthesized from steel industry iron oxide waste (N-FL) were modified with starchs and citric acid as a capping agent. This aims to control the size and morphology of iron oxide nanoparticles so as to improve the photocatalyst performance in degrading dyes optimally. The capped N-FL showed an increase in dye degradation activity when compared to unmodified nano iron oxide. XRD, SEM, and FTIR results showed a morphological difference in the material, namely the formation of a sponge layer as an indication of the capping agent derived from flour and the addition of functional groups in the form of C-H, C=C, O-H. Photocatalytic treatment was carried out to degrade dyes, the best results were shown in modification with mokaf flour at 89.560% in MB 10 ppm, 98.064% in MB in Mix MB-MO 10 ppm, and 48.126% in MO in Mix MB-MO 10 ppm. Meanwhile, variation at 50 ppm concentration showed a decrease in degradation efficiency.
Keywords: Fe2O3, waste, capping agent, degradation, photocatalytic
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22 |
Environmental Education |
ABS-3 |
HOW INDONESIAN STUDENT^S THINK ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE? Novelina Andika Kusuma (a), Meida Wulansari (b), Nurma Yunita Indriyanti (c)
Department of Science Education, Sebelas Maret University
The issue of global warming and climate change is of concern to the whole world. Many students are irrational in conveying their conceptions regarding this problem. Therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of evaluating teachers, schools and educational institutions. This research uses quantitative descriptive as its methodology. Data were taken from ninth grade students at 3 different schools in Surakarta City, Indonesia using stratified cluster random sampling technique and analyzed using descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. The instrument used was an open-ended questionnaire consisting of ten questions which included five indicators, namely comparing, classifying, interpreting, inferring, and exemplifying. There are 4 categories of students^ conceptual understanding levels, namely no response, no conceptual understanding, partial conceptual understanding and partial conceptual understanding with specific misunderstanding, and sound conceptual understanding. The results of this study indicate that 41% of ninth grade junior high school students in Surakarta do not have an understanding of the concept, 30% have a partial understanding of the concept, and 29% have a good understanding of the concept.
Keywords: Conception, global warming, climate change
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| Corresponding Author (Novelina Andika Kusuma)
23 |
Environmental Education |
ABS-75 |
Implementation of Real Action Based on Search Olve Create and Share Model (SSCS) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability and Sustainable Awarness of Junior High School Students Siti Rahmi Afwa(a*), Evi Suryawati (b), Yennita (b)
a) University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
b) Magister of Science Education, Faculty of teacher Training and Education
PlThis study aims to obtain empirical data by implementing the learning model SSCS ESD approach in order to improve critical thinking skills and sustainable awareness of Junior High School students. This study uses a quasi-experimental model carried out on two classes VII in SMPN 1 Koto Gasib, Siak regency. The experimental class was given ESD-based SSCS learning model treatment and a control class with a scientific approach. Analysis of research data using t-test with SPSS-26 software, the results of the analysis of the average critical thinking skills in the experimental class 79.5 in the critical category and control Class 65 in the critical enough category. The results of continuous awareness questionnaire analysis of the experimental class at a percentage of 78.3% are in the high category and 65% of the control class in the medium category. Learning by using learning model SSCS ESD approach is learning with problem solving approach to improve critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are expected to help learners to solve real problems through the manufacture of products with attention to sustainable environmental impacts through ESD approach.
Keywords: SSCS model, ESD, critical thinking, sustainable awareness.
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| Corresponding Author (siti Rahmi Afwa)
24 |
Environmental Education |
ABS-98 |
Can the Norway^s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) Help Indonesia Escape the Environmental Crisis? Leni Winarni (a*), Santi Noor Pratiwi (b)
a) Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia *leniwinarni[at]staff.uns.ac.id
b) Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
Indonesia has made many efforts, such as joint agreements with other organizations, institutions, and countries, especially Norway^s Forest Initiative and Forest Initiative (NICFI), under the auspices of the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment in collaboration with Norad - The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. By using an environmentalist and neoliberal approach, this article aims to analyze the role of NICFI in supporting Indonesia to achieve its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by examining data form from documentation covering policies and programs relating to the environment in Indonesia, which are in line with the objectives of NICFI. This article argues that cooperation between countries is needed to reduce the greenhouse effect- collaboration is required to support the program through funding and as a pressure group for their partner.
Keywords: Environment crisis- Greenhouse gas emission- Cooperation- The role of foreign environment organization
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| Corresponding Author (Leni Winarni)
26 |
Mathematics and Science Education |
ABS-11 |
Analysis of High School Students^ Misconceptions On Functional Materials to Identify Profiles of Intuitive Thinking Ability in Functional Limit Materials Farida Leni Kusumawati, Ikrar Pramudya, Farida Nurhasanah
Master of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Misconceptions are one of the cognitive structures that deviate in students from the concepts put forward by experts. Deviations from a concept in mathematics will cause deviations in the other concepts. This is because the concepts in mathematics are arranged hierarchically, namely one concept becomes the basis for the next concept. The categories of student misconceptions include complete misconceptions, partial understanding misconceptions, partial understanding, and concept understanding. The problem faced by students in learning functions is that the students^ representation abilities in function material are not yet organized as a whole which will cause students to experience conceptual errors in limit function topic which is a continuation of function topic. This study aims to analyze students^ misconceptions about functions, the results of which will then be used to identify students^ intuitive thinking skills on functional limits. This study used a qualitative method with the subjects are the students of twelveth grade of SMA Al-Abidin Bilingual Boarding School Surakarta. Data collection techniques used were written tests and interviews which were analyzed descriptively. This study shows the results that each category of misconceptions will provide different types of intuitive thinking skills in limit function. Based on these reasons, the profile of students^ intuitive thinking skills needs to be identified as the basis for preparing appropriate learning. This research can be developed by developing learning models to improve students^ intuitive thinking skills.
Keywords: Misconceptions, intuitive thinking skills, learning models
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| Corresponding Author (Farida Leni Kusumawati)
27 |
Mathematics and Science Education |
ABS-33 |
Pre-Service Physics Teachers Ability to Formulate General Procedures of Indefinite Integration by Substitution Muhammad Win Afgani, Retni Paradesa
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah
Pre-service Physics teacher are required to have mathematics procedural ability in solving definite integral problems, because many physics phenomena are related to definite integrals. Besides that ability, they are also expected to have the ability to formulate general procedures in solving them, because this ability is a high-level ability that needs to be trained. So, the aim of this study is to obtain description about the ability of pre-service physics teachers in formulate a procedure of integration by substitution focused on indefinite integrals. This study used qualitative description approach with pre-service physics teachers at one of universities in Palembang, South Sumatera as research subject. It was 12 pre-service physics teachers who take basic mathematics lectures in the first semester. To collect the data, this study used documentation and interview to verify it. The results showed that the procedure formulation is divided into two types- the first type of formulation is still specific by using one particular example, while the second type is general, but both types describing each step are still unclear, and there are some mathematical errors.
Keywords: Ability to Formulate- General Procedure- Indefinite Integral
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| Corresponding Author (Muhammad Win Afgani)
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Mathematics and Science Education |
ABS-36 |
Students^ Mathematical Generalization in Solving Numeracy Problems Titania Putri Naraswari (a*), Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi (b), Laila Fitriana (a)
(a) Magister of Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
(b) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Generalization is a critical component of mathematical activity and has garnered increased attention in school mathematics at all levels. This study aims to determine the mathematical generalization ability of junior high school students on the material number pattern. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The study time was held in the even semester of the academic year 2022/2023. The subjects were students of SMP class VIII in Surakarta, as many as 28 students. Data collection methods used are test methods. Based on the results of data analysis showed the student^s mathematical generalization ability of SMP on number patterns were obtained: (1) 8 students (28%) had high mathematical generalization abilities, (2) 15 students (54%) had moderate abilities, and (3) 5 students (18%) had low abilities. These findings indicate that most students have good mathematical generalization abilities, but some still need further assistance in improving their abilities.
Keywords: mathematical generalization, ability, real context problems
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| Corresponding Author (Titania Putri Naraswari)
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Mathematics and Science Education |
ABS-40 |
Development of Science Learning Media Solar System Augmented Reality Based Inquiry Yonatan Vari, Sarwanto, & Sri Yamtinah
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Current education develops 21st century skills needed in the Revolutionary Era 4.0. Critical thinking skills are 21st century skills that need to be developed through the 21st Century Science learning process using digital technology combined with inquiry learning models. Augmented Reality is a digital technology that can be combined with the Inquiry learning model on Solar System material. The study aims to determine the feasibility of inquiry-based Solar System Augmented Reality (SSAR) Learning Media. Development of inquiry-based SSAR Learning Media using the ADDIE Development Model with an assessment by 8 validators using a Likert scale. Inquiry-based SSAR learning media developed by validation includes aspects of Media, Material, Learning and language with a validation criterion of 0.75. The results of the assessment by the Validator were analyzed using the Aiken formula. Inquiry-based SSAR Learning Media Indicators based on Aiken Validation analysis obtained validation results with a score of 0.85> 0.75 indicating that Inquiry-based SSAR Learning Media is feasible to use in the science learning process on Solar System material.
Keywords: Learning Media, Inquiry-based SSAR, Aiken Validation
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| Corresponding Author (Yonatan Vari)
30 |
Mathematics and Science Education |
ABS-45 |
AljabarMath: The Way to Foster Critical Thinking Ability Arfina Sukma Syaras (a*), Ade Mirza (b), Nurfadilah Siregar (b), Dede Suratman (b)
a,b) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Critical thinking ability are important for facing challenges in the 21st century. There are ways to foster critical thinking ability, one of which is through mathematics using learning media. This paper provides an overview of how to foster critical thinking ability, especially among students using learning media AljabarMath. This study aims to describe the level of students^ critical thinking ability in mathematics in class VII SMP Negeri 10 Pontianak in algebra subjects by using the AljabarMath. The method used is quantitative descriptive research. Analysis of the data used is to make the percentage of achievement of critical thinking ability according to the indicators measured after using AljabarMath. The results of this study were 1) students who achieved the ability to understand and express the intent of a problem indicated by determining what is known and asked by 68%- 2) students who achieved the ability to identify the relationship between statements, questions, and concepts given in the questions indicated by making a mathematical model by 64%- 3) students who achieved the ability to use the right strategy in determining the credibility of statements by 64%- and 4) students who achieved the ability to draw correct conclusions by considering information relevant to a problem and its consequences based on the existing data by 62%. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that use the AljabarMath can foster students^ critical thinking ability in algebra subjects.
Keywords: Algebra, Critical Thinking Skills- Learning Media- AljabarMath
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