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Implementation of Real Action Based on Search Olve Create and Share Model (SSCS) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability and Sustainable Awarness of Junior High School Students
Siti Rahmi Afwa(a*), Evi Suryawati (b), Yennita (b)

a) University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
b) Magister of Science Education, Faculty of teacher Training and Education


PlThis study aims to obtain empirical data by implementing the learning model SSCS ESD approach in order to improve critical thinking skills and sustainable awareness of Junior High School students. This study uses a quasi-experimental model carried out on two classes VII in SMPN 1 Koto Gasib, Siak regency. The experimental class was given ESD-based SSCS learning model treatment and a control class with a scientific approach. Analysis of research data using t-test with SPSS-26 software, the results of the analysis of the average critical thinking skills in the experimental class 79.5 in the critical category and control Class 65 in the critical enough category. The results of continuous awareness questionnaire analysis of the experimental class at a percentage of 78.3% are in the high category and 65% of the control class in the medium category. Learning by using learning model SSCS ESD approach is learning with problem solving approach to improve critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are expected to help learners to solve real problems through the manufacture of products with attention to sustainable environmental impacts through ESD approach.

Keywords: SSCS model, ESD, critical thinking, sustainable awareness.

Topic: Environmental Education

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