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Improving the Creative Thinking Skills of SMAN 1 Kampar kiri Riau Students through the Implementation of PjBL-STEM
Aprilia Adila Putri (a*), Evi Suryawati (b), Sri Wulandari (b)

Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Riau


21st century education emphasizes the development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS), including creative thinking. The PjBL model is suitable to be combined with the STEM approach because it can stimulate students to think critically and creatively in planning projects, designing and producing the best products. This study aims to determine the improving creative thinking skills of student through the application of the STEM-integrated PjBL model on biodiversity material. The research sample was 57 students of class X IPA SMAN 1 Kampar Kiri who were taken using saturated sampling technique. This type of research is quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Data is collected through tests and observations of creative thinking. Data were analyzed statistically including the N-Gain test, normality test, and the Mann Whitney hypothesis test (U test), then the results of the creative thinking test and observations were also analyzed descriptively. The N-Gain results of STEM integrated PjBL learning obtained a value of 0.44 (effective) compared to the N-gain value of conventional learning which was only 0.25 (less effective), hypothesis testing obtained results U = 0.022 < Utable = 0.05 then Ho was rejected accepts H1, it can be concluded that the STEM-integrated PjBL model has a significant effect on improving creative thinking skills of student, especially on biodiversity material.

Keywords: Creative Thinking- STEM-Integrated PjBL Model- Biodiversity

Topic: Biology and Biology Education

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