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Question from Mr. Yosep Dwi Kristanto
2023.07.29 12:22:47

Question to: Analysis of Epistemological Obstacle on the Material of Two-Variable Linear Equation System
Authors: Hendri Lutfiatul Hamam Nafis, Budi Usodo, Siswanto, Farida Nur Khasanah

Hello Mr Hendri, During your presentation, you mentioned that a student^s response of ^12 buah^ (12 fruits) to the sum of eight oranges and four bananas problem was interpreted as incorrect due to the use of different variables for oranges and bananas. However, wouldn^t it be more appropriate to consider the problem in a straightforward arithmetic context, where the number of oranges is 8, and the number of bananas is 4? In such a context, the student^s answer ^12 fruits^ would be considered correct. I^d like to understand the reasoning behind the interpretation and whether the introduction of variables is necessary for this specific problem. Thanks.

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Question from Mr. Yosep Dwi Kristanto
2023.07.28 22:18:09

Question to: Scaffolding Technique in Teaching Algebraic Arithmetic Operations to Junior High School Students with Diverse Emotional Intelligences
Authors: Era Hervilia (a*), Sri Subanti (b), Ikrar Pramudya (c), Farida Nurhasanah (d)

Hello Ms Era, Thanks for your presentation on the impact scaffolding technique on students^ error in teaching algebraic arithmetic operations to junior high school students with diverse emotional intelligences. I^ve few questions regarding your presentation. [1] During your presentation, you mentioned using the Shapiro-Wilk test to test the normality of the data. I would appreciate it if you could clarify which data the test was applied to. Was it the pretest scores, posttest scores, or the differences between each student^s pretest and posttest scores? [2] In your conclusion, you mentioned a significant influence of scaffolding usage (X) on student errors (Y). I^m interested in understanding how you measured the dependent variable, specifically the student errors. Did you use posttest and pretest data? If so, how did you assess the students^ posttest and pretest errors? Did you count the number of errors for each student^s pretest and posttest? [3] The title of your paper includes ^diverse emotional intelligences,^ but I didn^t notice it being mentioned in the results, discussion, or conclusion during your presentation. I am curious to know why this aspect was not discussed, and how emotional intelligence relates to the study. Thank you.

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Question from Mr. Yosep Dwi Kristanto
2023.07.28 21:43:54

Question to: A Systematic Literature Review: Implementation of Geogebra Mathematical Software on Students^ Mathematical Abilities in Learning Mathematics
Authors: Amelia Ancella Pinto, Farida Nurhasanah

Hello Ms Amelia, Thanks for your presentation on a systematic literature review about the implementation of GeoGebra on students^ mathematical abilities in learning mathematics. I have a few questions regarding your research methods and findings: [1] What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria that you used for the systematic review? I^m interested in understanding the specific criteria that guided the selection of studies in your analysis. [2] How did you and your research team determine whether a study met the inclusion criteria for the review? It would be insightful to know more about the screening and selection process. [3] During your presentation in the Results section, you mentioned that GeoGebra is effective in improving (a) mathematical communication skills, (b) problem-solving skills, (c) mathematical concept understanding, and (d) mathematical connection skills. However, in your conclusion, you included an additional item, mathematical reasoning. Could you clarify this inconsistency between the Results section and the conclusion? [4] As your review found evidence of GeoGebra^s effectiveness in improving students^ mathematics abilities, I^m interested in understanding how you and your research team synthesized the results from the various studies. Could you elaborate on the process of synthesizing the literature findings? Thank you.

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Question from Mr. Yosep Dwi Kristanto
2023.07.28 13:16:02

Question to: AljabarMath: The Way to Foster Critical Thinking Ability
Authors: Arfina Sukma Syaras (a*), Ade Mirza (b), Nurfadilah Siregar (b), Dede Suratman (b)

Hi Ms Arfina, I enjoyed your presentation on ^AljabarMath: The Way to Foster Critical Thinking Ability.^ It^s impressive how AljabarMath can enhance students^ critical thinking, especially in interpretation. I have a couple of questions I^d love to hear your thoughts on: [1] How many problems does AljabarMath include, and what types of problems are they? I^m curious about the kinds of problems students face as they engage with the learning media since, I believe, the types of problems also have an essential role in fostering students^ critical thinking ability. [2] You mentioned that AljabarMath has four menus, each focused on a different critical thinking aspect: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference. Do these menus exclusively contain problems relevant to each aspect? Could you share the reasons behind organizing the problems this way? I^m interested in understanding how this approach benefits students^ critical thinking development. Additionally, I read about Mayer^s Temporal Contiguity Principle of Multimedia, which suggests that presenting corresponding words and visuals together enhances learning. How does AljabarMath ensure productive learning experiences for students in light of this principle? [3] Based on the results of your study, you mentioned that students scored the lowest in the inference aspect. Could you provide any conjecture or insights into why this might have happened? I^m curious to know what factors could have influenced this outcome. Thanks!

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Question from Mr. Yosep Dwi Kristanto
2023.07.28 12:29:07

Question to: Students^ Mathematical Generalization in Solving Numeracy Problems
Authors: Titania Putri Naraswari (a*), Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi (b), Laila Fitriana (a)

Hello, After watching your presentation on ^Students^ Mathematical Generalization In Solving Numeracy Problems,^ I found it insightful. I have a couple of questions related to the presentation: First, in Table 4, what does the average in the fourth column represent? I^m curious to understand how it was determined. Second, would it be possible for you to share the problems/questions used in your tests? As your paper^s title suggests, I believe they were related to numeracy, and I^m interested in exploring the content further. Thanks!

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Question from Mr. Nicolaus Nezha Nunez Mahasti
2023.07.28 05:08:35

Question to: Treatment of Swamp Water into Raw Water using Blended Activated Charcoal and Moringa Seeds (Moringa oleifera lamk)
Authors: Isnaini M. Y. Bangko*, Baharuddin Hamzah, Tri Santoso, Sitti Rahmawati, Sri Hastuti Virgianti

Can you define the adsorption mechanism of the system?

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