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31 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-56

Analysis of Students Mathematical Literacy Skill in Solving Geometric Material Problems
Dewi Setyas Tuti (a*), Triyanto (b), Farida Nurhasanah (b)

a) Postgraduate Programme of Mathematics Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


Mathematical literacy is the ability of students to formulate, apply, and interpret mathematics in various contexts in everyday life. The purpose of this study was to analyze students mathematical literacy skills in solving geometric material problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The research subjects consisted of 3 students who were selected using a purposive sampling technique from class VIII students in one of the schools in Surakarta. The three students took a test which consisted of one geometry material question that had been adapted to the PISA level 3 indicator questions. Then an unstructured interview was conducted using the results of the students work on the geometry material questions. the validity of the data was obtained through data triangulation, namely comparing data obtained from direct observation during tests and data from interviews (method triangulation). The results showed that students were able to formulate problems into mathematical forms but students were not yet able to apply concepts, facts, or procedures to solve problems. Students also have not been able to reflect on solutions or conclusions from the problems given.

Keywords: Mathematical literacy- geometry

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32 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-58

Activity Development on GeoGebra Classroom of Quadratic Function Materials Sekolah Penggerak Curriculum
Tri Sedya Febrianti, Siti Fatimah, Farida Nurhasanah, Ikrar Pramudya.

Indonesia National University of Education, Sebelas Maret University


The purpose of this research and development is to produce interactive activities in the GeoGebra Classroom that are valid, practical, and effective. GeoGebra Classroom is a mathematics learning media that is able to support learning activities according to the demands the curriculum of Sekolah Penggerak because it has become a curriculum reference mathematics learning media as evidenced by the constant presence of digital exploration activities using the GeoGebra Classroom in student handbooks and this media is also able to facilitate Distance Learning (PJJ) as well as Face-to-face Learning (PTM) according to learning conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research and development model used is a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages, namely: (1) define, (2) design, (3) development, and (4) disseminate ). The results obtained are the interactive activities developed in the GeoGebra Classroom are valid, practical, and effective. Interactive activities in the GeoGebra Classroom are declared valid after there are no suggestions for improvement from the experts and the validity score according to the media standards is said to be valid. Interactive activities in the GeoGebra Classroom were declared practical with the average score of the teacher^s questionnaire response of 100%, the average score of the student response questionnaire of 78.77%. Interactive activities in the GeoGebra Classroom were declared effective with the difference in the average learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class with the experimental class as the class with the best test average.

Keywords: Development, Interactive Activities, GeoGebra Classroom, Quadratic Functions, Curriculum of Sekolah Penggerak.

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33 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-60

Is Differented Learning be A Math Anxiety Solution?
Farisa Nur Fikri (a*), Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti (a)

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University
Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia


Differentiated learning is an educational approach that aims to personalize the learning process in the classroom to each student^s unique learning needs. Teachers have to acknowledge that each student^s learning requirements are unique. The goal of this study is to see if differentiated learning may help students overcome mathematics anxiety. This article is the product of an in-depth study and analysis of 33 of the 135 articles discovered. According to the result of the review, the positive effect of differentiated learning is that it offers learning activities that are appropriate for students^ levels of knowledge and interest, therefore improving student motivation and learning outcomes. It indicates that, ideally, students^ anxiety regarding mathematics can be lessened. However, there are still numerous obstacles to overcome in the classroom. As an outcome, the researcher urges future researchers to conduct further studies on how to effectively implement differentiated learning activities in class.

Keywords: Differentiated Learning- Maths Anxiety

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34 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-61

Saskia Rizkiana Putri, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana



Mathematics has abstract objects that understanding it needs thinking process. This study aims to analyze and describe students thinking process in solving mathematical problems of pythagoras theorem based on Piaget^s theory in terms of Adversity Quotient (AQ). The design of this research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The research subjects were students of class VIII H SMP Negeri 2 Ngawi in the 2022/2023 Academic Year who were selected based on three adversity quotient categories, namely quitter, camper and climber. Data collection techniques used Adversity Response Profile (ARP) questionnaire, think aloud test and interview. The data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman^ concept including data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The result of the study shows that: 1) Quitter subjects performed assimilation and accommodation thinking processes in understanding and developing problem solving plans. In implementation of problem solving and re-examining problem solving, the thinking process was assimilated. 2) Camper subjects performed assimilation thinking process in understanding, developing a plan, implementing problem solving and re-examining problem solving. 3) Climber subjects performed an assimilation thinking process in understanding, developing a solution plan and re-examining problem solving. In carrying out the problem-solving plan, thinking process carried out was assimilation and accommodation.

Keywords: thinking process, problem solving, Adversity Quotient, Jean Piaget^s theory

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35 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-62

Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Dwi Maryani, Mardiyana, Riyadi

Sebelas Maret University Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to examine scientific journals by collecting reliable sources related to differentiated instruction in mathematics education. Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that recognizes the diversity of students^ learning based on their abilities and interests. The method used to write this article is a literature review. The approach used to analyze journal articles is the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The research begins by searching for articles related to the topic to be investigated through Scopus, ERIC, and Proquest databases. The criteria for scientific articles used as information are scientific articles from international journals updated in the last 5 years, from 2018 to 2023. The analysis of 11 scientific articles shows that research has been conducted worldwide. The subjects in differentiated instruction research consist of students, teachers, and pre-service teachers. Most of the studies use qualitative research methods and aim to improve the understanding, development, and implementation of differentiated instruction practices in mathematics education.

Keywords: differentiated instruction- mathematics education- systematic literature review

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36 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-63

The Effect of Learning Trajectory with the Context of Congklak Traditional Game and Self-Efficacy on Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Statistics Subject
Nabilla Uristu Al Firdaus, Budi Usodo, Yemi Kuswardi*

Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Indonesia


Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is a learning approach that emphasizes using learning trajectory in its learning design. RME learning is based on real contexts or situations that students experience or know. Learners use a context or real situation to discover or construct their own informal math concepts, and then Learners connect informal math with formal math. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of a learning trajectory in the context of traditional congklak games and self-efficacy on mathematical reasoning ability in statistics subject. This study is a pseudo-experimental study with a 2x3 factorial design. The population in this study were all students in VIII grade of SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri in the academic year 2022/2023. The samples used were students from two classes taken by cluster random sampling technique. The data collection techniques used were documentation, a self-efficacy questionnaire, and a mathematical reasoning test. The data analysis technique used in this study is a two-way analysis of variance with unequal sample sizes. The results of the hypothesis testing concluded that (1) applying RME using learning trajectories to the traditional congklak game resulted in better mathematical reasoning skills than direct learning in statistics subject- (2) learners with high self-efficacy had better mathematical reasoning skills than learners with medium and low self-efficacy, while learners with medium self-efficacy had better mathematical reasoning skills than low self-efficacy. (3) in each learning model, learners with high self-efficacy have better mathematical reasoning skills than learners with medium and low self-efficacy, while learners with medium self-efficacy have better mathematical reasoning skills than learners with low self-efficacy- (4) At each level of self-efficacy, learning through the RME application using learning Trajectory with traditional congklak games produces better mathematical reasoning skills than direct learning.

Keywords: Learning Trajectory, Realistic Mathematics Education, Self-efficacy, Statistics.

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37 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-64

Learning Trajectory of Statistics Learning Using the Context of Traditional Game Congklak to Train Mathematical Reasoning Ability
Yemi Kuswardi*, Budi Usodo, Nabilla Uristu Al Firdaus

Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to know how to develop a learning trajectory within the context of the traditional congklak game for VIII grade junior high school on statistics subjects to train learners^ mathematical reasoning skills. This study is a design research, with three stages namely preparing for the experiment, experiment design, and retrospective analysis. The subjects were VIII-grade learners of SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri in the academic year 2022/2023. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, photographs, recordings, and tests. Based on the results of the retrospective analysis, it shows that the application of a realistic mathematics approach using a learning trajectory in the context of a traditional game of congklak on statistics subject in each activity is carried out in two activities, namely informal activities and formal activities. In informal activities, experimental activities are conducted using the congklak game to understand the concepts of mean, mode, median, range, quartile, and interquartile range. In formal activities, learners utilize the results of experiments to find definitions and general formulas for mean, mode, median, range, quartiles, and interquartile range. Through these activities, applying a realistic mathematics approach that uses learning trajectory within the context of traditional congklak statistical subjects can develop students^ mathematical reasoning skills.

Keywords: design research, mathematical reasoning ability, learning trajectory, congklak game

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38 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-71

Teachers^ Question Design for Stimulating Student Critical Thinking Disposition
Agustiani Putri (a*), Abdur Rahman As^ari (a), Purwanto (a), Sharifah Osman (b)

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No.5, Sumbersari, Lowokwaru, Malang, Jawa Timur 65145
b) School of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Jalan Iman, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia


Critical thinking is essential for individuals as it helps them make a proper decision and consider other perspectives. Critical thinking also becomes a connecting bridge between student ability and real-life context, likewise the content of numeracy that are highly related to a real-world problem. However, students cannot develop critical thinking by themselves. Teachers should stimulate student critical thinking disposition by asking questions as students who have dispositions tend to use their critical thinking abilities in real-life situations. Questions asked by teachers impact on student thinking, which the level of student thinking is comparable to the level of teacher questions. Hence, this study intends to investigate teacher question design for stimulating each critical thinking disposition component. This research observed numeracy learning and interviewed a few teachers to identify the purpose of their questions. Teacher questions for truth-seeking lead students to interpret a sentence, look for a meaning, and investigate every detail. Teacher questions for inquisitiveness direct students to find the difference and the best option. Teacher questions for open mindedness lead students to accept other perspectives and think of alternative options. Teacher questions for analyticity guide students to link among information and provide objective evidence with reasonable arguments. Teacher questions for systematicity direct students to mention information orderly, while for self confidence lead students to convince others what they believe. Teacher questions for maturity guide students to consider influential aspects and emerging consequences. This research provides an example of effective teaching in order to stimulate student critical thinking dispositions through questioning.

Keywords: Critical thinking disposition, questioning, numeracy

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39 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-72

Anggoro Canggih Pinilih, Henny Ekana Chrisnawati , Farida Nurhasanah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


This study addresses the difficulties and weaknesses of students in presenting mathematical ideas and their low positive attitudes towards mathematics. The researcher conducted an experimental study with the following objectives: (1) To examine the influence of using the MARICA media on students^ mathematical representation abilities in plane geometry- (2) To determine the impact of different levels of mathematical logical intelligence on students^ mathematical representation abilities in plane geometry, whether low, moderate, or high intelligence- (3) To observe students^ responses to learning using the MARICA media. The literature suggests that media functions to enhance student motivation and learning outcomes, creating enjoyable and effective learning experiences. MARICA stands for ^Mari Membaca,^ a learning media that combines literacy concepts, fun learning media, and gamification.

This quantitative descriptive research was conducted in a 1st grade classroom with 56 students. The study measured both the cognitive domain, specifically students^ mathematical representation abilities, and the affective domain. Two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data on mathematical representation abilities, while the data on the affective domain were presented in descriptive analysis.

The results indicate that (1) the use of the MARICA media in mathematics learning for 1st grade students has an influence on their mathematical representation abilities- (2) students with high mathematical logical intelligence demonstrate better mathematical representation abilities compared to those with moderate and low intelligence. Students with moderate intelligence perform equally well as those with low intelligence- (3) Students^ responses in terms of independence, critical attitude, and creativity in the classroom using the MARICA media showed improvement in each attitude assessment session.

Keywords: MARICA, Mathematical representation ability, mathematical logical intelligence

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40 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-73

A Comparative Study : The Implementation of Games Based Learning on Mathematical Thinking of Elementary School Students^ Ability
Henny Ekana Chrisnawati

Universitas Sebelas Maret


The selection of the appropriate learning model is important for students as it can provide a deeper meaning to the outcomes, perceptions, and processes of teaching and learning activities. This journal reviews the influence of Games Based Learning (GBL) on mathematics learning, with the initial research consideration being to create meaningful and enjoyable mathematics learning for students, particularly in primary education. The objective of this study is to examine the influence of this learning approach on students^ mathematical thinking abilities in the cognitive domain and their positive attitudes towards mathematics in the affective domain. The mathematical thinking abilities referred to in this study are derived from the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) learning objectives and the mandate of the Merdeka Curriculum, including problem-solving skills, literacy skills, numeracy skills, and mathematical representation skills.
The research methodology employs descriptive and inferential statistics, utilizing multivariate analysis of variance after conducting tests for normality and data adequacy using Box^s M for variance matrix examination. Cluster random sampling is used for sample selection to determine classes with GBL and control classes using Problem Based Learning (PBL) as the instructional model.
The results of the study indicate that there is an influence of GBL on students^ mathematical thinking abilities. And for all component of mathematical thinking abilities, the value of averages in GBL class shows greater than the average in the PBL class. In this is evident from the significance values (sig) for each component of mathematical thinking abilities being <0.05. However, in terms of the affective aspect, the sig value is >0.05, indicating that GBL does not have a significant effect on students^ positive attitudes towards mathematics. It is shown that the mean difference is not significant between the two methods

Keywords: Games Based Learning, Mathematical Thinking, Students^ positive attitudes towards mathematics.

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41 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-76

The Impact of Teaching Strategies on Critical Thinking in Mathematics Education : A Systematic Literature Review
Dinda Agnes Permatasari,Sri Subanti,Ikrar Pramudya,Farida Nurhasanah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Critical Thinking (CT) is an important skill for students and is one of the most significant indicators of the quality of learning. In the context of mathematics education, CT plays a crucial role as a highly important form of thinking. To develop students^ critical thinking in solving mathematical problems, the use of appropriate teaching strategies is essential. The goal of this research is to provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of teaching strategies on critical thinking abilities in mathematics education. The research method used is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) following the PRISMA protocol, which includes reputable databases including Scopus, Eric, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. A total of 916 journal articles have been classified in the identification stage, followed by the screening and eligibility stages, using inclusion and exclusion criteria, as a result 13 articles were selected for publication in the final stage of the review. The publications considered were between the years 2019 and 2023. The findings of the SLR show that the majority of teaching strategies to enhance CT in mathematics education utilize the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach. Furthermore, it can be demonstrated that the majority of the collected studies were conducted at the junior high school level, followed by higher education, senior high school, and primary education levels. Most of the employed teaching strategies have shown significant positive impacts on the development of students^ CT abilities.

Keywords: critical thinking, mathematics education, systematic literature review, teaching strategies

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42 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-78

Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment : Development and Aplication of a Three Tier Test Diagnostic Instrument to Assess Conceptual understanding
Wardayani Solihah (a*), Siti Sriyati (b), Winny Liliawati (b)

a) Postgraduated of Science Education Program, Indonesia University Of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
b) Lecturer Of Biology Education Program, Indonesia University Of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) Lecturer Of Physics Education Program, Indonesia University Of Education, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


Cognitive diagnostic assessment (CDA) is an essential classroom assessment that could provide high-specific diagnostic information. To support teachers^ practical implementation of CDA in the science classrooms, this study aims to developed diagnostic instrument of the three tier test to analyze the level of understanding. The three-tier diagnostic test was developed using the theoretical framework by Treagust. The first tier assessed content knowledge- in the second tier, a reason is selected for the content answer- and the third tier allowed students to select how confident they were in their answers for the first two tiers. This reseach is development and research (R&D). The development has several stages like a) preliminary study, b) product draft design, c) product development. Product revisions are carried out at the product development stage. The final instrument consisted of 30 items. The three-tier test diagnostic instrument used in this study had been assessed in terms of being valid and reliable. The Sujek in this study was a class VII student at Junior High School in Bandung. The three tier diagnostic test on 127 students from two class showed that the category to understand the material of 25.4%- amounting to 43.3% misconceptions category and the category did not understand the material of 40.3%.

Keywords: Cognitive diagnostic assessment, Three tier diagnostic test, misconception

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43 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-79

Analysis of the Mathematics Textbook ^Kurikulum Merdeka^ for Grade VII on Number Materials Using the Praxeology Concept
Astiwi Comastika Putri, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana, Farida Nurhasanah

Sebelas Maret University


The availability of textbooks that are not suitable can affect low mathematics achievement. This study aims to analyze the mathematics textbook ^Kurikulum Merdeka^ (Independent Curriculum) with a focus on the number materials for Grade VII. The researchers used the praxeology concept, which is an implementation of the interpretive paradigm in Didactical Design Research (DDR). In this research approach, the textbook is considered an empirical source that can reveal the knowledge to be taught in the didactic transposition process. Through document analysis in phenomenological qualitative research, the presentation of task designs in the textbook was examined. The task designs analyzed praxeologically were then identified based on Takeuchi and Shinno^s techniques, yielding the following results: (1) Task component (T) in the number of materials largely utilized operational techniques, and there were independent task types for students to complete- (2) Technique component (tau) was appropriate as the information provided in each meeting had continuity- (3) Technology component (theta) was not fully appropriate, requiring improvement and enhancement in the development of information and communication technology-based learning media- and (4) Theory component (thita) was not in line with the constructivist theory, where students can construct knowledge based on their own experiences.

Keywords: praxeology concept, mathematics, textbook, numbers

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44 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-80

Designing Card Sorting Game with Self-Checking Feature
Nur Baiti Nasution (a*), Dwi Hartanto (b), Farida Nurhasanah (c), Syita Fatih ^Adna (d)

(a) Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Pekalongan
(b) Indonesian Artificial Intelligence Society
(c) Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Sebelas Maret
(d) Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Tidar Magelang


Mathematics dominoes can be defined as a set of cards which contain mathematical problems and can be arranged using certain rule related to the problems. This cards can be used as a method of practicing questions in classroom learning. However, playing mathematics dominoes can be considered boring, i e when students do not know the answer of the problem itself. Thus, we developed a design of mathematics domino card which has a self-checking feature. This cards combined the concept of domino cards and also the bridge cards which can be arranged in a certain order. In the end of the paper, we also showed an example of the implementation of the design by creating Kata Sepat (Kartu Pintar Segiempat), a game that can be used to enhance students conceptual understanding in plane geometry. It is shown that Kata Sepat was effective to increase the understanding score.

Keywords: mathematics domino-conceptual understanding- plane geometry

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45 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-84

The Developmental Shift of Preservice Mathematics Teachers^ Covariational Reasoning in Graphing Activities
Yosep Dwi Kristanto

Mathematics Education Department, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Preparing preservice mathematics teachers (PSMTs) to make informed decisions and take action individually and collectively in addressing the urgent sustainability challenges is the goal of education for sustainable development. Therefore, PSMTs^ literacy in interpreting data and graphing with regard to the sustainability challenges available in the news and mass media is essential. Covariational reasoning serves as a way of thinking for PSMTs to create and interpret graphs as they envision two quantities that vary simultaneously. The present study aims to discuss how three preservice mathematics teachers^ covariational reasoning develops as they represent relationships between two quantities that vary in tandem. The study employed a case study method. The subjects of the study were three PSMTs from a private university in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The PSMTs complete a digital task sequence during a teaching experiment. The digital task sequence was developed in Desmos. The digital task sequence facilitates the PSMTs to graph the relationship between the volume and height of water in various bottles. Their responses were analyzed using the Covariation Framework. The data analysis showed that the PSMTs^ covariational reasoning developed, progressing from the gross coordination of values to the chunky continuous variation level.

Keywords: covariational reasoning- graphing- rate of change- preservice mathematics teachers- Desmos

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46 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-85

A Systematic Literature Review: Implementation of Geogebra Mathematical Software on Students^ Mathematical Abilities in Learning Mathematics
Amelia Ancella Pinto, Farida Nurhasanah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


.Difficulties in learning and mastering mathematics are well-founded, partly because mathematics is a lesson that requires students to think logically, systematically and reflectively, and requires diligent, thorough and earnest effort. So that one way that students can use to hone and improve their mathematical abilities is by applying mathematical software in learning mathematics. One of the widely used mathematical software is Geogebra. The purpose of this Systematic Literature Review is to provide a description through an analysis of the implementation of Geogebra on students^ mathematical abilities in learning mathematics through literature review. Data collection was carried out by documenting and reviewing 50 articles related to the use of GeoGebra on mathematical abilities published in the 2018-2022 period published in national and international journals that can be accessed and downloaded on the Google Scholar, ProQuest and Eric databases. Mathematical abilities that can be improved through the application of geogebra include: mathematical communication, understanding of mathematical concepts, mathematical reasoning, solving mathematical problems, and mathematical connections. The results of the study provide information that geogebra has a positive, effective, and better influence in improving students^ mathematical abilities in the process of learning mathematics. The Geogebra application can also be combined with various models, approaches and learning theories in learning mathematics so that learning can be more fun and interesting for students.

Keywords: Geogebra, mathematical ability, learning mathematics, systematic literature review

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47 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-88

Exploring the Student Critical Thinking in Mathematical Problem Solving
Sutji Rochaminah, Irmawati, and Muh. Rizal

Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia


This research qualitative aims to describe the students critical thinking in solve problems related to patterns in sequences of numbers. The research subjects were 3 students grade VIII who were selected based on the results of math tests. Data collection techniques by giving the task of solving problems and interviews. The student critical thinking is described using approach Focus, Reason, inference, Clarity, and Overview (FRISCO). The results showed that participant with high math skills, identify the main problem. In Reason, analysis questions and statements, using reasoning of inductive then using an arithmetic series formula. In Inference, concluding the value of the difference in a sequence of numbers and the solution. In Situation, by looking for the difference in a sequence then determining the number of the first 12 terms using the formula. On clarity, explains the terms and symbols used. In Overview, solve the problem again and comparing the results with the previous results. Participant with moderate mathematical ability in the reason, using reasoning of inductive then mathematical principles and rules. In Inference, concluding the value of the difference in a sequence of numbers and the solution. In the situation, by find the difference in a sequence then adds adding up each term. On clarity, explains the term and the difference symbol. Participant with low math ability, only write down and mention what is known and asked and give reasons using question marks for question sentences. The description of the critical thinking can be considered by teachers in formulating learning strategies for critical thinking

Keywords: Critical Thinking- Problem Solving- Number Pattern- approach FRISCO

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48 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-89

Scaffolding Technique in Teaching Algebraic Arithmetic Operations to Junior High School Students with Diverse Emotional Intelligences
Era Hervilia (a*), Sri Subanti (b), Ikrar Pramudya (c), Farida Nurhasanah (d)

a) Faculty of Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.
b) The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.
c) The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.
d) The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.


Mathematics is one of the sciences that plays a role in the development of the educational process. Mathematics is considered a very important subject. In mathematics, there are prerequisite concepts as the foundation for understanding subsequent topics or concepts. This study aims to examine whether there is an influence of scaffolding usage on student errors at SMPN 1 Saradan in class VIII D in the algebraic calculation operation material with various emotional intelligence. Sampling was done using random sampling technique. The sample taken was class VIII D with 3 students. This study uses one independent variable, which is the use of scaffolding (X), and one dependent variable, which is student errors (Y). The data used in this study are questionnaires with 30 respondents, pre-test and post-test, and interviews. This research method uses quantitative descriptive. The data analysis technique used in this study is the paired sample t-test analysis. The results of this study revealed a significance value (Sign.) of 0.012, which means it is smaller than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted, indicating a significant influence between scaffolding usage (X) and student errors (Y). This is also supported by the results of the pre-test and post-test student responses, which showed changes in student errors in the high, moderate, and low emotional intelligence categories, as seen from the Newman error stages.

Keywords: Scaffolding- Algebraic Arithmetic Operations- Emotional Intelligence.

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49 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-91

STEAM Education And Mathematics Litercy : A Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR)
Agung Pratikno (a)*, Triyanto (b), Farida Nurhasanah (c)

(a) Faculty of Education, Sebelas Maret University
(b) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University
(c) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University


Throughout the course of the 21st century, the journey of education has entered a new era where mastery in the fields of science, technology and mathematics has become the main discourse in all sectors of human life. Development of mathematics learning models that are able to integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics through the implementation of STEAM in learning that is able to trigger students to be creative and critical in the learning process. STEAM provides a new approach in the world of education that can be the ability to innovate and think critically and improve cognitive, psychomotor, and spective aspects. This study discusses how the STEAM model and approach in 21st century learning, especially Mathematics learning which is studied with the A Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR) approach. This research aims to provide benefits related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) This research uses the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyse) method obtained from journals related to this theme. Data collection is done by determining databases or data sources, namely, Elsevier, Emerald, Springer and Google scholar as many as 20 articles and books. The result of this study is that STEAM is an integrated learning approach that encourages students to think more broadly about problems that occur in the real world, especially mathematical literacy skills. The STEAM-based learning approach provides students with learning experiences that are interconnected with science, technology, engineering, art, and math. This makes students richer in relation to solving problems encountered regarding mathematical literacy.

Keywords: Mathematical Literacy- SLR- STEAM

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50 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-92

Analysis of Epistemological Obstacle on the Material of Two-Variable Linear Equation System
Hendri Lutfiatul Hamam Nafis, Budi Usodo, Siswanto, Farida Nur Khasanah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


This research aims to describe students^ epistemological obstacles in the matter of the two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV). The form of research used in this research is qualitative with a grounded theory method. This research involved 12 students from grade eight junior high school students in Indonesia. To collect the data test methods, observation, and interviews were used. The validity of the data is triangulation which requires the comparison of data with interviews. The technique of data analysis was in three stages, starting from data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results obtained three types of epistemological obstacles, namely one-variable linear equations, algebraic operations, and mathematical models. The description of the obstacles is presented as follows: first for the linear equation obstacle one variable, students cannot understand the problems in the questions presented, second for the algebraic arithmetic operation obstacles, students cannot distinguish between variables and constants in the addition of one variable resulting in students not being able to add two variables, third for the mathematical model, that students cannot present word problems in the form of a mathematical model for one variable or even two variables. These obstacles resulted in students having difficulty understanding the material of the two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV).

Keywords: Epistemological Obstacles, Mathematic Education, Two-Variable Linear Equation System

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51 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-94

Yuli Bangun Nursanti- Farida Nurhasanah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


In order not to be left behind in developments, the country needs human resources who can follow it efficiently using creative ways, including at the tertiary level, namely students. The ability to think creatively is an individual^s ability to analyze something based on existing information but also collectively be able to produce new, more perfect concepts and determine alternatives with various ideas that can be used to solve problems. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The research was conducted on class D students consisting of 42 students with details of 6 boys and 36 girls. The data collection technique was the dissemination of instruments through Google classroom and project-based group assignments in developing innovative mathematics learning media. The analysis technique uses indicators of creative thinking skills and data collected from product assessments and interviews if necessary. Analysis of the results of the development of innovative mathematics learning media is carried out by referring to indicators of students^ creative thinking abilities in developing innovative mathematics learning media. From the research that has been done, the researcher concludes that the development of students^ creative thinking abilities through the creation of innovative learning media is included in the modificative creative model, namely changing the shape of a product so that it becomes attractive and more practical and by developing innovative mathematics learning media students are able to make learning media based on problems. found so that it can help students in understanding mathematics learning material and illustrates that students^ creativity in developing innovative mathematics learning media is high.

Keywords: innovative learning media, fractions, prospective mathematics teacher

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52 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-100

Implementation of School Programs Supporting Numeracy Strengthening: a Case Study from Indonesia
Faizatur Rofi^ah- Imam Sujadi- Diari Indriati

Sebelas Maret University


Mathematical literacy or numeracy has gained more attention in the education world in Indonesia. This can be seen through various efforts by the Ministry of Education to continually improve it. The research aims to provide an overview of the implementation of mathematics learning in junior high schools in Surakarta, resulting in the numeracy outcomes of students. This study adopts a qualitative approach with a case study strategy. The research data includes the implementation of numeracy, teacher activities, student activities, school environment, and documents. Data sources come from informants, including teachers and students. Data collection techniques involve interviews and documentation. The research findings reveal that the implementation of mathematics learning that strengthens numeracy at SMP Negeri 11 Surakarta and SMP Muhammadiyah Special Program Surakarta is in the stages of habituation and development. Mathematics teachers play roles as motivators, guides, and facilitators. Activities undertaken include providing books, familiarizing students with solving numeracy problems, assigning tasks, motivating students, organizing activities related to numeracy improvement, imparting knowledge, and allowing students to conduct studies.

Keywords: Junior High School, Mathematics Learning, Numeracy, School Programs

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53 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-103

Designing Hypothetical Learning Trajectory using History of Java Museum through Ethno-RME and MathCityMap
Irma Risdiyanti (a)*, Masitah Shahrill (b)

(a) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(b) Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam


In mathematics education at schools, it is crucial to reinforce the relevance of the mathematical concepts taught to students^ daily lives and culture. This is important to enable students to understand mathematical concepts effectively and develop problem-solving skills that are useful in their everyday lives. However, education in schools often teaches unconnected mathematics with students^ daily lives. To address this issue, an approach is needed to bridge mathematics with students^ everyday lives and culture. One such approach is Ethno-RME, which emphasizes the use of real-life contexts as a starting point in learning. Ethno-RME can be effectively integrated with learning technologies, such as MathCityMap. In Indonesia, one real-life context that can be used as a starting point for mathematics learning is the History of Java Museum which has philosophical and historical value regarding the civilization of Javanese society from prehistoric times to the present day. Besides the philosophical and historical value, the Museum History of Java also encompasses many mathematical concepts that can be used as learning contexts. Therefore, this study aims to design a Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) using the Museum History of Java as a context through the Ethno-RME approach and utilizing the MathCityMap application. The research data were obtained through literature studies and documentation. The results of this research are the HLT and math trail focusing on two-dimensional shapes around the Museum History of Java. By integrating mathematics in school with real life, this research can strengthen the connection between mathematics and students^ everyday lives and culture. Hopefully, this research can be a reference for teachers and researchers to develop innovative learning and can give a new perspective in the education field about the importance of connecting mathematics education with students^ real life.

Keywords: design learning, Ethno-RME, history of java museum, HLT, MathCityMap

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54 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-107

Exploring Ethnomathematics in Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta
Novita Ristiana*, Irma Risdiyanti, Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia


In essence, mathematics is a science that comes from everyday life and human culture. However, many students perceive that mathematics is far from everyday life and student culture. This is because mathematics in schools is taught formally and not related with the real life of students. Therefore, we need an approach that can connect mathematics with real life. One approach that can be used is ethnomathematics. In Yogyakarta, there are many cultural objects that contain mathematical concepts. One of them is the cultural object of the Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta which is around the Monumen Jogja Kembali. However, the mathematical concepts contained in Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta have not been used in the context of learning at school. So, this study aims to explore the mathematical concepts in the Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta to be used as a context for learning mathematics. The method that was used in this research is ethnography. The data in this research were obtained from a literature review and documentation. Then the data was analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta has many colorful lanterns with various shapes made by applying the concept of geometry. It is hoped that the findings of this study can be used as a reference for teachers and researchers to develop learning based on ethnomathematics approach. In addition, this research not only can bridge mathematics with culture but also can strengthen the identity and the social culture value of students.

Keywords: Ethnomathematis, Ethnography, Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta, Geometri

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55 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-109

Analysis of the Mathematics Textbook ^Merdeka Curriculum^ for Grade VII on Number Materials Using the Praxeology Concept
Astiwi Comastika Putri, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi, Laila Fitriana, Farida Nurhasanah

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Master Program)
Sebelas Maret University
Jln Insinyur Sutami No.36 A Kentingan, Jebres, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126


The availability of textbooks that are not suitable can affect low mathematics achievement. This study aims to analyze the mathematics textbook ^Kurikulum Merdeka^ (Independent Curriculum) with a focus on the number materials for Grade VII. The researchers used the praxeology concept, which is an implementation of the interpretive paradigm in Didactical Design Research (DDR). In this research approach, the textbook is considered an empirical source that can reveal the knowledge to be taught in the didactic transposition process. Through document analysis in phenomenological qualitative research, the presentation of task designs in the textbook was examined. The task designs analyzed praxeologically were then identified based on Takeuchi and Shinno^s techniques, yielding the following results: (1) Task component (T) in the number of materials largely utilized operational techniques, and there were independent task types for students to complete- (2) Technique component (tau) was appropriate as the information provided in each meeting had continuity- (3) Technology component (theta) was not fully appropriate, requiring improvement and enhancement in the development of information and communication technology-based learning media- and (4) Theory component (thita) was not in line with the constructivist theory, where students can construct knowledge based on their own experiences.

Keywords: praxeology concept, mathematics, textbook, numbers

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56 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-115

Development of an Assessment Instrument to Measure Students Curiosity on The Subject of The Human Excretory System
Nina Khaerunnisa (a*), Jumadi Jumadi (a)

a) Department of Science Education Master Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
UNY Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia


Curiosity is a scientific attitude that must exist in every student. The scientific attitude is a dimension that must be raised, especially in science learning, in an attitude of curiosity. However, what happens in schools in science learning activities, teachers have not been able to maximally measure the extent of the curiosity that exists in students. This study aims to determine the feasibility of an assessment instrument to measure students^ curiosity both theoretically and empirically. This research is a research and development with a 4D model (define, design, development, disseminate). Participants involved in this study were 64 students and 2 expert validators. The data collection technique used in this research is theoretical validation and empirical validation. Data analysis used V-Aiken analysis and item statement analysis used the SPSS 26 program. The results of this study indicated that the instrument for measuring students^ curiosity was declared feasible, valid, and reliable both theoretically and empirically. the instrument already represents the indicators of curiosity used in this study, namely enthusiasm in finding and finding answers, enthusiasm for the science process, exploring information from various sources, actively asking questions, and trying to understand concepts well.

Keywords: Curiosity, Human Excretory System, Instrument

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57 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-116

DDevelopment Of Interactive Storytelling-Based Learning Video To Enhance Students^ Numerical Literacy In Geometry
Vica Amalia Susanti (a*), Farida Nurhasanah (b), Henny Ekana Chrisnawati (b)

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sebelas Maret


The aim of this research is to develop a valid, practical, and effective interactive video-based storytelling learning tool to enhance students^ numeracy literacy skills in geometry. The research follows the Research and Development (R&D) approach using the Plomp development method. The product of this R&D is an interactive learning video that underwent validation by two content validators and three media validators, as well as practicality and effectiveness testing by one teacher and 22 first-grade students in Surakarta.

Data collection techniques included observation to gather data from various mathematics learning YouTube channels, documentation to collect semester assessment data from the first-grade students, questionnaires to gather data on the validity and practicality of the product, and tests in the form of pretests and posttests to measure the effectiveness of the product. Data analysis methods involved Aiken^s validity analysis, percentage calculation for practicality analysis, and N-Gain and paired t-test for analyzing the effectiveness based on pretest and posttest results.

The results of the research indicate that: (1) The developed product is valid in enhancing students^ numeracy literacy skills in geometry, as evidenced by the validation scores from content and media experts. (2) It is practical for use in geometry learning. (3) The product is effective in improving students^ numeracy literacy skills, as indicated by the significant difference in mean scores according to the paired t-test, and the moderate increase in N-Gain scores.

Keywords: Interactive learning videos, storytelling, numeracy literacy, geometry

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58 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-121

Experimentation of CORE Learning Model with Putar bawah Game and Labyrinth Board Game on Problem Solving Ability Viewed From Student Emotional Intelligence
Sutopo*, Janika Salma Yumna, Yemi Kuswardi

Universitas Sebelas Maret


The purpose of this research is to find out: (1) a learning model which resulted in better problem solving skills, CORE model with putar bawah game and labirin board game media or with direct learning- (2) emotional intelligence which resulted in better problem solving abilities, high, medium, or low emotional intelligence- (3) the interaction between learning models and students emotional intelligence. This research is quasi-experimental research with subjects were VIII-grade learners of SMP Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year 2022/2023. The samples used two classes taken by cluster random sampling. The data collection techniques used were documentation, tests, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique is two-way analysis of variance with unequal sample sizes. Based on the results of the analysis, we conclude that: (1) the CORE model with putar bawah games and labirin board game media resulted in better problem solving skills than the direct model- (2) students with higher emotional intelligence had better problem solving skills than lower emotional intelligence- (3) there is no interaction between the learning model and students emotional intelligence.

Keywords: CORE learning model with putar bawah game and labyrinth board game media, problem solving abilities, emotional intelligence, opportunity

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59 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-123

Experimentation of Learning Cycle 7e Learning Model Assisted by Labyrinth Board Game and Putar Bawah Game on Mathematical Reasoning Ability in View of Students Self-Regulated Learning
Sutopo, S.Pd., M.Pd.*- Linda Otavia - Yemi Kuswardi, S.Si., M.Pd.

Universitas Sebelas Maret


This research aims to find out: 1) The learning model that produces better mathematical reasoning ability of students, between the Learning Cycle 7E assisted by labyrinth board game and putar bawah game or direct instruction- 2) The level of students Self Regulated Learning that produces better mathematical reasoning skills, between high, medium, or low levels of Self Regulated Learning- 3) The interaction learning models and students Self Regulated Learning. This research is a quasi experimental research with the subject were VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Surakarta in the academic year 2022/2023 school year. The samples use two classes taken by cluster random sampling. Data collection technique were used documentation, tests, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used a two-way variance analysis. The results of the analysis showed that: 1) Learning Cycle 7E learning model assisted by labyrinth board game and putar bawah game resulted is better mathematical reasoning ability than direct instruction- 2) Students with high self regulated learning had better mathematical reasoning ability than low self regulated learning- 3) There is no interaction between the learning model and students self-regulated learning.

Keywords: Mathematical reasoning ability, Learning Cycle 7E assisted by labyrinth board game and putar bawah game, Self-regulated learning

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60 Mathematics and Science Education ABS-124

The Student Problem Solving Profile in Solving the AKM Questions Based On Krulick and Rudnick Steps Viewed From Mathematical Disposition
Fiola Adyanovti Yundharesta- Sutopo, S. Pd., M. Pd.-Drs. Ponco Sujatmiko, M. Si.

Sebelas Maret University


This study aims to describe the mathematical problem solving of SMP N 3 Colomadu students who have high, medium, and low mathematical dispositions. The subjects of this study were 6 students of class 8D with 2 students each at each level of mathematical disposition. The subject of this study was determined using a purposive sampling technique. The data source comes from students who are the research subjects. The main instrument in this study was the researcher himself, while the auxiliary instruments were in the form of a mathematical disposition questionnaire, AKM problem solving tests, and interview guidelines. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Data validation uses the triangulation method, namely comparing test results with interviews. The results showed that students with a high disposition could write down the information contained in the problem into points so that it was easier to understand, they could explore, find strategies, and carry out strategies well, but could not reflect and develop. Students with moderate dispositions can write down the information even though it is incomplete, students can do problem solving but are not thorough in doing so students cannot fulfill the stages of carrying out plans and doing reflection and development. Students with low dispositions cannot solve problems because students do not understand the existing problems so they cannot fulfill other problem indicators.

Keywords: Problem solving, Profile, Mathematical disposition, Geometry, Minimum Competency Assessment

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