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MOOCs-Based PBL Learning to Empower Chemical Literacy Aspects of Knowledge in High School students
Mahbub Alwathoni(a*), Sulistyo Saputro(b), Mohammad Masykuri(b), Sri Yamtinah(b)

(a) Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia
(b) Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze chemical literacy skills in content, procedural and epistemic knowledge in grade 10 high school students through the PBL model based on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). This study uses a sequential explanatory design with mixed research methods. Data was collected by testing chemical literacy abilities, interviews and observations. The study participants were 80 grade 10 high school students from three districts in Central Java, Indonesia. Quantitative data and Rasch modelling were analyzed by determining the average pretest and posttest scores. Qualitative data comes from interviews and observations. Quantitative analysis showed that the chemical literacy ability in pretest data was lacking, namely an average score of 44.82. Chemical literacy questions on epistemic knowledge dominate the category of complex questions. After being treated with the PBL model, the posttest score increased with an average value of 66.50. Even though the posttest average score did not exceed the KKM, namely 75.80, applying the MOOCs-based PBL model for empowering chemical literacy skills was immensely helpful with an effect size of 1.1819 (good category). An interesting finding in this study is that the problem orientation stage in PBL could not be optimal because students^ prior knowledge is not connected to the new knowledge learned. The suggestion from the results of this study is that strengthening the problem orientation stage in PBL requires a clear learning organization so that the following PBL stages can run well.

Keywords: PBL, MOOCs, Chemical Literacy, Rasch modeling

Topic: Chemistry and Chemistry Education

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