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Development of Science Learning Media Solar System Augmented Reality Based Inquiry
Yonatan Vari, Sarwanto, & Sri Yamtinah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Current education develops 21st century skills needed in the Revolutionary Era 4.0. Critical thinking skills are 21st century skills that need to be developed through the 21st Century Science learning process using digital technology combined with inquiry learning models. Augmented Reality is a digital technology that can be combined with the Inquiry learning model on Solar System material. The study aims to determine the feasibility of inquiry-based Solar System Augmented Reality (SSAR) Learning Media. Development of inquiry-based SSAR Learning Media using the ADDIE Development Model with an assessment by 8 validators using a Likert scale. Inquiry-based SSAR learning media developed by validation includes aspects of Media, Material, Learning and language with a validation criterion of 0.75. The results of the assessment by the Validator were analyzed using the Aiken formula. Inquiry-based SSAR Learning Media Indicators based on Aiken Validation analysis obtained validation results with a score of 0.85> 0.75 indicating that Inquiry-based SSAR Learning Media is feasible to use in the science learning process on Solar System material.

Keywords: Learning Media, Inquiry-based SSAR, Aiken Validation

Topic: Mathematics and Science Education

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