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Improving Students Scientific Writing Skills through Discovery Learning: A Systematic Review
Opik Prasetyo, Bowo Sugiharto, Harlita

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Scientific writing skills are essential for students to express ideas or thoughts in various media such as practicum reports. Students^ scientific writing skills can be trained through the implementation of learning models that can empower science process skills, namely discovery learning. This study aims to analyze various articles related to the implementation of discovery learning models in science learning to improve students^ scientific writing skills. This research is a systematic review with the PRISMA method using the keywords ^discovery learning^ and ^writing skills^. Ten articles were found from the Scopus online database published during the last 10 years (2013-2023). The articles were then selected based on inclusion criteria such as the discovery learning model applied in science learning. The selection results with the inclusion criteria obtained 7 relevant articles for further analysis. The results of the systematic review analysis showed that the implementation of the discovery learning model in science learning can improve students^ ability to formulate research questions, explain experimental procedures, present experimental data, write experimental reports, and improve critical thinking skills and mastery of science concepts. The conclusion in this study shows that the implementation of the discovery learning model in science learning can improve students^ scientific writing skills. The systematic review of various articles on the implementation of the discovery learning model is expected to be a reference for teachers, especially in learning biology to improve students^ scientific writing skills.

Keywords: scientific writing skills, discovery learning model, science learning.

Topic: Biology and Biology Education

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