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121 Technology in Education ABS-112

Factors Influencing the Tendency to Share Knowledge in the Digital Era: A Literature Review
Purbasari Suryaning Putri, Rosihan Ari Yuana

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret University Indonesia


Knowledge sharing through social media platforms and virtual communities has become commonplace in the modern digital era and significantly influences how work, learning, and innovation are conducted in various sectors. Identifying the factors that influence knowledge sharing can provide new insights, and strategies can be developed to improve collaboration, innovation, and effectiveness in various fields. In addition, it facilitates the creation of social media platforms that are more effective and beneficial to the community. This study uses a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to answer research questions concerning the factors that influence a person^s tendency to share knowledge and the specific social media platforms that are used to share knowledge. A total of 41 articles were selected for use as literature- these comprised the most recent articles and all were published in the last five years. The findings show that motivational factors or intentions are the most common factor influencing a person^s tendency to share knowledge. Social factors such as the influence of close people, the nature of group composition, and social capital were also identified. Personality factors additionally impact a person^s willingness to share knowledge. The research further explores several studies identifying the social media platforms that are used to share knowledge. The study results indicate that social media platforms such as social networking sites and virtual communities can be helpful sources for understanding knowledge-sharing behavior.

Keywords: Knowledge Sharing, Social Media, Education, SLR

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122 Technology in Education ABS-113

Factors Influencing Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE): A Literature Review
Dinda Pradani Widiarti, Rosihan Ari Yuana

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret University Indonesia


Digitalization, which continues to increase in modern society, is a big challenge, attracting attention from many quarters. Society must understand technological developments so as not to be left behind. Technology plays an important role in everyday life, this is inseparable from computer self-efficacy, which has become a key factor in determining individual success at work, school and everyday life. In this literature review, the concept of computer self-efficacy will be explored, the key factors that influence it and its impact on individual life. This study uses a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to answer research questions about what factors influence computer self-efficacy and its effects on an individual life. A total of 34 articles were selected to be used as literature, which was the most recent and published in the last five years. The findings show that several factors influence computer self-efficacy, including prior knowledge and experience, gender, age, motivation, and social support. In addition, it was found that the impact of computer self-efficacy on individual life was based on behavior towards technology, academic achievement, digital literacy and technology adoption.

Keywords: Computer Self-Efficacy, CSE, Education, SLR

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123 Technology in Education ABS-122

The Analysis of Written Communication Skills of Pre-Service Science Teachers and Development Strategies as Supplement to Students^ Pancasila-Oriented Profiles
Aris Singgih Budiarso(a*), Supeno Supeno(b), I Ketut Mahardika(c), Bevo Wahono(d), Pramudya Dwi Arista Putra(e)

University of Jember


This study analyzes the characteristics of the written communication skills of pre-service science teachers and examines their learning strategies as a supplement to students^ Pancasila-oriented profile. Written communication skills are the ability to express ideas, information, and arguments through writing channels. The skills are important for pre-service science teachers to succeed in studies and in the workplace. However, to date learning strategies addressing the written communication skills of pre-service science teachers are still limited, therefore signifying its urgent need for further investigation. The stages in this research were as follows: (a) problem identification through field studies with observations and interviews with prospective science teachers and lecturers- (b) product tentative identification and design principles through practical problem context analysis- and (c) theories and products implemented to produce learning strategies to leverage the written communication skills of pre-service science teachers. Data collection methods included interviews, questionnaires, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research results show that: (1) the average scores of pre-service science teachers written communication skills are marked are 78.5 in the organization, 72.7 in development, 74 in expression- and 76.4 in content, all of which belong to ^good^ category- (2) theoretically compassion skills can be developed through pacing and leading steps, problem formulation, smart discussion, external confirmation, and self-group reflection. This study highlights the need to use the proposed learning strategies to develop the written communication skills of pre-service science teachers as a stepping stone to supplement students^ Pancasila-oriented profiles.

Keywords: Written Communication Skills, Pre-Service Science Teachers, Students^ Pancasila-Oriented Profiles

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124 Technology in Education ABS-131

Jihan Syarifah Rokhan, Fairusy Fitria Haryani, Daru Wahyuningsih, Ahmad Fauzi, and Suporwoko

Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia


The use of information and communication technology during the pandemic was felt, especially in the education aspect. Indonesia is one of the countries most affected by COVID-19, which requires learning to be done online. The big challenge for teachers in providing online learning is creating effective and interactive learning. One of the learning media that can support the creation of these two aspects is LMS Moodle. This study aims to find out how much Moodle is used in Indonesian education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is a literature review. The results of this study are the use of Moodle has begun to be widely used at the university and high school levels, while at the junior high school level, elementary school is still rarely used. In addition, Moodle is proven to increase students^ interest in learning, improve students^ ability to think critically and creatively, also improve student learning outcomes.

Keywords: Covid-19, Moodle, Online Learning

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