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Scaffolding Technique in Teaching Algebraic Arithmetic Operations to Junior High School Students with Diverse Emotional Intelligences
Era Hervilia (a*), Sri Subanti (b), Ikrar Pramudya (c), Farida Nurhasanah (d)

a) Faculty of Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.
b) The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.
c) The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.
d) The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Indonesia.


Mathematics is one of the sciences that plays a role in the development of the educational process. Mathematics is considered a very important subject. In mathematics, there are prerequisite concepts as the foundation for understanding subsequent topics or concepts. This study aims to examine whether there is an influence of scaffolding usage on student errors at SMPN 1 Saradan in class VIII D in the algebraic calculation operation material with various emotional intelligence. Sampling was done using random sampling technique. The sample taken was class VIII D with 3 students. This study uses one independent variable, which is the use of scaffolding (X), and one dependent variable, which is student errors (Y). The data used in this study are questionnaires with 30 respondents, pre-test and post-test, and interviews. This research method uses quantitative descriptive. The data analysis technique used in this study is the paired sample t-test analysis. The results of this study revealed a significance value (Sign.) of 0.012, which means it is smaller than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted, indicating a significant influence between scaffolding usage (X) and student errors (Y). This is also supported by the results of the pre-test and post-test student responses, which showed changes in student errors in the high, moderate, and low emotional intelligence categories, as seen from the Newman error stages.

Keywords: Scaffolding- Algebraic Arithmetic Operations- Emotional Intelligence.

Topic: Mathematics and Science Education

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