Designing Card Sorting Game with Self-Checking Feature Nur Baiti Nasution (a*), Dwi Hartanto (b), Farida Nurhasanah (c), Syita Fatih ^Adna (d)
(a) Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Pekalongan
(b) Indonesian Artificial Intelligence Society
(c) Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Sebelas Maret
(d) Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Tidar Magelang
Mathematics dominoes can be defined as a set of cards which contain mathematical problems and can be arranged using certain rule related to the problems. This cards can be used as a method of practicing questions in classroom learning. However, playing mathematics dominoes can be considered boring, i e when students do not know the answer of the problem itself. Thus, we developed a design of mathematics domino card which has a self-checking feature. This cards combined the concept of domino cards and also the bridge cards which can be arranged in a certain order. In the end of the paper, we also showed an example of the implementation of the design by creating Kata Sepat (Kartu Pintar Segiempat), a game that can be used to enhance students conceptual understanding in plane geometry. It is shown that Kata Sepat was effective to increase the understanding score.