Analysis of the Mathematics Textbook ^Kurikulum Merdeka^ for Grade VII on Number Materials Using the Praxeology Concept Sebelas Maret University Abstract The availability of textbooks that are not suitable can affect low mathematics achievement. This study aims to analyze the mathematics textbook ^Kurikulum Merdeka^ (Independent Curriculum) with a focus on the number materials for Grade VII. The researchers used the praxeology concept, which is an implementation of the interpretive paradigm in Didactical Design Research (DDR). In this research approach, the textbook is considered an empirical source that can reveal the knowledge to be taught in the didactic transposition process. Through document analysis in phenomenological qualitative research, the presentation of task designs in the textbook was examined. The task designs analyzed praxeologically were then identified based on Takeuchi and Shinno^s techniques, yielding the following results: (1) Task component (T) in the number of materials largely utilized operational techniques, and there were independent task types for students to complete- (2) Technique component (tau) was appropriate as the information provided in each meeting had continuity- (3) Technology component (theta) was not fully appropriate, requiring improvement and enhancement in the development of information and communication technology-based learning media- and (4) Theory component (thita) was not in line with the constructivist theory, where students can construct knowledge based on their own experiences. Keywords: praxeology concept, mathematics, textbook, numbers Topic: Mathematics and Science Education |
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