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A Systematic Literature Review: Implementation of Geogebra Mathematical Software on Students^ Mathematical Abilities in Learning Mathematics
Amelia Ancella Pinto, Farida Nurhasanah

Universitas Sebelas Maret


.Difficulties in learning and mastering mathematics are well-founded, partly because mathematics is a lesson that requires students to think logically, systematically and reflectively, and requires diligent, thorough and earnest effort. So that one way that students can use to hone and improve their mathematical abilities is by applying mathematical software in learning mathematics. One of the widely used mathematical software is Geogebra. The purpose of this Systematic Literature Review is to provide a description through an analysis of the implementation of Geogebra on students^ mathematical abilities in learning mathematics through literature review. Data collection was carried out by documenting and reviewing 50 articles related to the use of GeoGebra on mathematical abilities published in the 2018-2022 period published in national and international journals that can be accessed and downloaded on the Google Scholar, ProQuest and Eric databases. Mathematical abilities that can be improved through the application of geogebra include: mathematical communication, understanding of mathematical concepts, mathematical reasoning, solving mathematical problems, and mathematical connections. The results of the study provide information that geogebra has a positive, effective, and better influence in improving students^ mathematical abilities in the process of learning mathematics. The Geogebra application can also be combined with various models, approaches and learning theories in learning mathematics so that learning can be more fun and interesting for students.

Keywords: Geogebra, mathematical ability, learning mathematics, systematic literature review

Topic: Mathematics and Science Education

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