Reply from Ms. Amelia Ancella Pinto
2023.07.29 08:32:26
Hello Mr Yosep,
Thank you for the question you gave, here I will answer your question as
best I can.
1. For the inclusion and exclusion criteria that I use here, the first I use is
the year the article was published, we take articles published between
2018-2023. Secondly, I choose articles that discuss the implementation of
Geogebra in learning mathematics, maybe there will be articles that discuss
it to improve overall mathematical abilities. then if we feel that the article
is still lacking, we filter it again by selecting articles that discuss the
implementation of Geogebra in improving mathematical abilities.
2. I found the inclusion criteria for review as I mentioned in number one, if
the article was published between 2018-2023 and discussed the
implementation of GeoGebra in improving mathematical ability, then I would
use that article for my review. then we also select articles that discuss the
implementation of Geogebra on mathematical abilities but not
comprehensively, such as we will select one by one examples of ^GeoGebra
implementation in improving understanding of concepts/communication
skills/connection skills^ and so on.
3. As for the additional item at the conclusion, actually I wanted to present
it too but it turned out that the time was running out because the max
video was only 7 minutes so I didn^t have time to present it, but it^s in my
4. we looked at the outline of the discussion of the article that we had
reviewed at that time, then we also read the conclusions of the article and
found that the implementation of geogebra in mathematical ability actually
had a positive effect on improving students^ mathematical ability.
Thank You.