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AljabarMath: The Way to Foster Critical Thinking Ability
Arfina Sukma Syaras (a*), Ade Mirza (b), Nurfadilah Siregar (b), Dede Suratman (b)
Corresponding Author: Arfina Sukma Syaras

Question from Mr. Yosep Dwi Kristanto
2023.07.28 13:16:02

Hi Ms Arfina,

I enjoyed your presentation on ^AljabarMath: The Way to Foster Critical Thinking
Ability.^ It^s impressive how AljabarMath can enhance students^ critical thinking,
especially in interpretation.

I have a couple of questions I^d love to hear your thoughts on:

[1] How many problems does AljabarMath include, and what types of problems are
they? I^m curious about the kinds of problems students face as they engage with
the learning media since, I believe, the types of problems also have an essential
role in fostering students^ critical thinking ability.

[2] You mentioned that AljabarMath has four menus, each focused on a different
critical thinking aspect: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference. Do these
menus exclusively contain problems relevant to each aspect? Could you share the
reasons behind organizing the problems this way? I^m interested in understanding
how this approach benefits students^ critical thinking development. Additionally, I
read about Mayer^s Temporal Contiguity Principle of Multimedia, which suggests that
presenting corresponding words and visuals together enhances learning. How does
AljabarMath ensure productive learning experiences for students in light of this

[3] Based on the results of your study, you mentioned that students scored the
lowest in the inference aspect. Could you provide any conjecture or insights into
why this might have happened? I^m curious to know what factors could have
influenced this outcome.


Reply from Ms. Arfina Sukma Syaras
2023.07.29 11:55:58

Hi Mr. Yosep Dwi Kristanto
Thank you for your questions.

I will try to asnwer your questions:

[1] On the quiz menu there are 4 description questions, the four questions are
adjusted to the four indicators of critical thinking ability that I use, namely
indicators of interpretation, analysis, evaluation and inference
On the games menu there are 4 game categories, each of which is also adjusted
to indicators of critical thinking ability. Each game category consists of 3 levels. In
the game category, indicators for interpretation, analysis and inference consist of 3
levels, which are provided in the form of questions with 4 to 5 possible answers
that they can choose from and are complemented by discussions on how each
student has chosen the correct answer according to their thinking process. In the
interpretation indicator students are asked to determine what information is
known and asked from the questions. In the analysis indicators students are asked
to determine a mathematical model based on the questions given. In the inference
indicator, students are asked to conclude from a problem and the solution given
from the problem. In the game category for evaluation indicators, 3 games are
provided which are useful for training students^ numeracy ability by playing games
to determine elements in algebra, determine the value of x, and add and subtract
operations in algebraic forms.

Reply from Ms. Arfina Sukma Syaras
2023.07.29 11:56:42

[2] Yes, these menus exclusively contain problems relevant to each aspect.
The problems designed for each aspect/indicator are adapted to the competencies
that students must have in critical thinking.
On indicators of interpretation, analysis, and inference. The given problem starts
with an explicit problem, then is given an implicit problem and ends with a
problem in the form of an image. Students are expected to be able to interpret
each given problem correctly, represent the problem using a mathematical model,
and determine the correct and appropriate conclusion from each solution offered
for each given problem.
However, on the evaluation indicator AljabarMath facilitate a game to train
students to count to find the correct answer. In this way students will get used to
looking for the right strategy to be able to find the answer and with this ability
students are expected to be able to determine the credibility of each solution
Remembering the Temporal Contiguity Principle from Major, AljabarMath displays
and explains algebraic material simultaneously. In each algebraic material that
contains images (visuals) there are writings and sounds that clarify these images
and writings.

[3] Even though the inference aspect shows the lowest result presentation, the
student^s inferencing ability still shows good and positive results.
These four aspects are actually interconnected. Mastery of abilities on other
aspects affects the results on the inference aspect. The low presentation of the
results on the inference indicator is allegedly due to the lack of students^ ability to
evaluate problems so that students do not have the ability to make inferences or
draw conclusions.

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