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Factors Influencing Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE): A Literature Review
Dinda Pradani Widiarti, Rosihan Ari Yuana

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret University Indonesia


Digitalization, which continues to increase in modern society, is a big challenge, attracting attention from many quarters. Society must understand technological developments so as not to be left behind. Technology plays an important role in everyday life, this is inseparable from computer self-efficacy, which has become a key factor in determining individual success at work, school and everyday life. In this literature review, the concept of computer self-efficacy will be explored, the key factors that influence it and its impact on individual life. This study uses a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to answer research questions about what factors influence computer self-efficacy and its effects on an individual life. A total of 34 articles were selected to be used as literature, which was the most recent and published in the last five years. The findings show that several factors influence computer self-efficacy, including prior knowledge and experience, gender, age, motivation, and social support. In addition, it was found that the impact of computer self-efficacy on individual life was based on behavior towards technology, academic achievement, digital literacy and technology adoption.

Keywords: Computer Self-Efficacy, CSE, Education, SLR

Topic: Technology in Education

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