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31 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-7

Dynamic Factor Model Applications Based on Google Trends and Macroeconomic Data for Nowcasting the Gross Domestic Growth of Indonesia
Restu Sri Rahayu(a), Irhamah(a*), Kartika Fithriasari(a)
Corresponding Author: Restu Sri Rahayu

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32 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-8

Forecasting Indonesia^s Export Value using The Hybrid Method of ARIMAX-FFNN and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)
Andra Citta Passadhi Arya, Heri Kuswanto, Kartika Fithriasari
Corresponding Author: Andra Citta Passadhi Arya

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33 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-9

Multivariate Adaptive Inverse Gaussian Regression Spline Modeling for Estimation of Household per Capita Expenditure
Ifah Durrotun Nisa (a), Bambang Widjanarko Otok (a*), Sutikno (a)
Corresponding Author: Ifah Durrotun Nisa

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34 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-10

Modeling Elementary School Dropout in East Java Province Using Binary Logistic Regression
Khomaria Nurul Ainy, Dedy Dwi Prastyo, Ismaini Zain
Corresponding Author: Khomaria Nurul Ainy

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35 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-13

Dynamic Factor Model to Nowcasting the Sectoral Economic Growth Using High-Frequency Data
Putu Krishnanda Supriyatna, Dedy Dwi Prastyo, Muhammad Sjahid Akbar
Corresponding Author: Putu Krishnanda

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36 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-18

Random Effects Meta Regression on the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression
Felinda Arumningtyas (a), Bambang Widjanarko Otok (a*), Santi Wulan Purnami (a)
Corresponding Author: Felinda Arumningtyas

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37 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-20

Prediction-Oriented Segmentation Partial Least Square (POS-PLS) in The Case of Child Underutrition in East Java
Fatkhi Rizqiyah Agustina, Bambang Widjanarko Otok, Santi Wulan Purnami
Corresponding Author: Fatkhi Rizqiyah Agustina

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38 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-21

Forecasting Volatility of Sukuk Price Return with Markov-Switching GARCH (Case Study: Franklin Global Sukuk Fund Luxembourg)
Chandrawati (a*), Irhamah (a), Nur Iriawan (a)
Corresponding Author: Chandrawati Chan

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39 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-22

Forecasting of Indonesian Crude Oil Price using EEMD- LSTM
Nuchaila Ainiyah (a*), Heri Kuswanto (a), Kartika Fithriasari (a)
Corresponding Author: Nuchaila Ainiyah

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40 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-24

Semiparametric Bivariate Probit Model Using Newton Raphson Approach Early Breastfeeding Initiation and Exclusive Breastfeeding
Suci Amalia, Vita Ratnasari*, Ismaini Zain
Corresponding Author: Suci Amalia

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41 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-25

Parameter Estimation of Geographically Weighted Compound Correlated Bivariate Poisson Regression Model
Rizki Safarida(a*),Purhadi(a),Sutikno(a)
Corresponding Author: Rizki Safarida

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42 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-28

Max Charts Performance in Monitoring Water pH
Niam Rosyadi, Muhammad Ahsan, Muhammad Mashuri
Corresponding Author: Niam Rosyadi

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43 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-29

Partial Hypothesis Testing on Mixed Nonparametric Regression of Spline Truncated and Fourier Series (Case Study: Percentage of Poverty Regency/City in West Java 2021)
Bryllian Reyga Akbar Pramadana (a*), I Nyoman Budiantara (a), Vita Ratnasari (a)
Corresponding Author: Bryllian Reyga Akbar Pramadana

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44 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-30

Selecting of Optimal Knot Points and Oscillation Parameters Using Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV) and Unbiased Risk (UBR) Method in Nonparametric Regression of Combined Estimators Spline Truncated dan Fourier Series
Putri Kusuma Wardani (a), I Nyoman Budiantara (a*), Setiawan (a)
Corresponding Author: Putri Kusuma Wardani

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45 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-32

Curve Estimation of Multivariable Nonparametric Kernel Regression on the Percentage of Households with Access to Decent and Affordable Housing
Tiaranisa^i Fadhilla, I Nyoman Budiantara, and Ismaini Zain
Corresponding Author: Tiaranisai Fadhilla

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46 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-35

Aurell Faza Ashilla(a*), Heri Kuswanto(a), Nur Iriawan(a)
Corresponding Author: Aurell Faza Ashilla

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47 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-48

Analysis Of Unemployed Youth In Indonesia By Panel Data Regression with Moderating Variable
Sri Subanti (a*), Nabila Tri Amanda (b)
Corresponding Author: Nabila Tri Amanda

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48 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-54

Machine Learning-Based Classification of COVID-19 and Influenza Variants Using Nucleotide Frequency Analysis
Thaliah Fauz Ardamayanti (a*), Mohammad Isa Irawan (a), Ridho Nur Rohman Wijaya (a)
Corresponding Author: Thaliah Fauz Ardamayanti

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49 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-55

Optimizing Capsule Network Methods with Norm-based Compression for Image Classification Problems
Ridho Nur Rohman Wijaya (a*) Budi Setiyono (a), Mahmud Yunus (a)
Corresponding Author: Ridho Nur Rohman Wijaya

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50 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-68

Bivariate Recursive Semiparametric Probit Regression Model with Random Effects
Nabilla Rida Tri Nisa (a*), Purhadi (a), Achmad Choiruddin (a)
Corresponding Author: Nabilla Rida Tri Nisa

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51 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-95

Performance of Gravitational Emulation Local Search Algorithm with Genetic Algorithm on VRP Variants and Its Implementation for Distribution Optimization
Sapti Wahyuningsih, Lucky Tri Oktoviana, Azis Wisnu Wardana, Sinta Ayu Saputri
Corresponding Author: Sapti Wahyuningsih

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52 Mathematics and Statistics ABS-105

The Strong Rainbow Connection Numbers of Corona and Comb Product of Sandat and Path Graph
Desi Rahmadani, Ainin Yusri Saputri, Purwanto
Corresponding Author: Desi Rahmadani

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53 Physics and Physics Education ABS-82

The Role of Problem-Based Learning Model in Enhancing Students^ Motivation and Physics Learning Outcomes
Een Irawati1, Mustika Wati2*, Maria Ulfah3, Yasmine Khairunnisa4
Corresponding Author: Mustika Wati

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54 STEM and STEAM Education ABS-81

The Autonomy-based STEM Learning Model in Improving Students^ Digital Literacy
Mustika Wati(1), Artoni Yahya(2*), Margaritta(3), Yasmine Khairunnisa(4)
Corresponding Author: Mustika Wati

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55 Technology in Education ABS-53

Wiku Sidik Dananjaya- Yusfia Hafid Aristyagama,S.T.,M.T.-Cucuk Wawan Budiyanto,S.T.,Ph.D.
Corresponding Author: Wiku Sidik Dananjaya

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56 Technology in Education ABS-111

The Implementation of the Zahrawain Method in Qur^anic Memorization for Kindergarten Teachers and Principles in Surakarta
Sri Slamet1, Fitri Suraya Mohamad2, Mahasri Shobahiya3, Muwakhidah4, Ambarwati5, Junita Dwi Wardhani6,
Corresponding Author: Sri Slamet

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57 Technology in Education ABS-122

The Analysis of Written Communication Skills of Pre-Service Science Teachers and Development Strategies as Supplement to Students^ Pancasila-Oriented Profiles
Aris Singgih Budiarso(a*), Supeno Supeno(b), I Ketut Mahardika(c), Bevo Wahono(d), Pramudya Dwi Arista Putra(e)
Corresponding Author: Aris Singgih Budiarso

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58 Technology in Education ABS-131

Jihan Syarifah Rokhan, Fairusy Fitria Haryani, Daru Wahyuningsih, Ahmad Fauzi, and Suporwoko
Corresponding Author: Jihan Syarifah Rokhan

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