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Counting Process Approach with Frailty on Recurrence Data of Chronic Kindey Disease Patients Using Hu-Care Therapy at Nur Hidayah Hospital Bantul
Insani Hasanah (a), Santi Wulan Purnami (a*), Sagiran (b)

a) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
b) Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia


Survival analysis is a statistical method used to analyze time data until events occur. This method is used to study the factors that influence the time of occurrence of events or so-called events. In survival analysis, generally only one major event is monitored, such as patient death or equipment failure. However, sometimes in research it can also occur that more than one event is observed, as in the case of patients with chronic illnesses who can experience various events such as curing an illness or being hospitalized repeatedly. Survival analysis with repeated events is used to analyze the time between each event that occurs in each subject or observation. In survival analysis, there are two types of approaches that can be used for recurring data, including the counting process approach and the stratified cox approach. In the case of repeated hospitalizations, it is assumed that each individual has the same/identical factors for repeated hospitalizations, so in this case the counting process approach is used. However, in reality every individual has risk factors that are unobserved and difficult to measure. Based on this, there is a model that takes into account factors that are difficult to measure or not observed in an event which is commonly referred to as the frailty model. The frailty factor can be interpreted as an individual factor that is not observable and influences the individual^s tendency to experience recurring events. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the data on repeated events using the frailty counting process approach. The data used in this study were chronic kidney failure inpatients receiving hu-care therapy at Nur Hidayah Hospital, Bantul. In statistical analysis, chronic kidney disease patients can be considered as a recurring event because there are several factors such as medical complications or hemodialysis which are a cause for patients to experience several hospitalizations over a certain period of time.

Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease, Counting Process Approach, Frailty, Hu-Care Therapy, Recurrence

Topic: Mathematics and Statistics

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