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Implementation of Letter Learning Media Using Solar Cell Power for Special Needs Students
Nia Wahyu Damayanti, As^ad Shidqy Aziz, Dian Utami Ikhawaningrum

Universitas Wisnuwardhana


The application of letter learning media using solar cell power for special needs students can be an innovative and effective approach to enhance their reading and writing skills. The objective of this research is to implement solar cell-based letter learning media for special needs students. The research subjects for this activity include students with autism, hearing impairment, and intellectual disabilities. At the beginning of the activity, it is necessary to identify the specific needs of each student. This may encompass various spectrums such as learning disorders, hearing impairments, or visual impairments. Understanding the individual needs of each student will help in designing appropriate learning solutions. Once the students^ needs have been identified, we can select suitable learning media. In this case, using media that utilizes solar cell power can provide additional benefits such as portability, independent charging capabilities, and the use of renewable resources.

Keywords: learning media, solar cells, student with special need

Topic: STEM and STEAM Education

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