The Effectiveness of Discovery Learning Model on the Cognitive Abilities of Tsanawiyah Islamic Students in The Global Warming Material
Nurul Lathifatul Hakimah, I Gusti Made Sanjaya, Prabowo, Eko Hariyono

Postgraduate, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of discovery learning model, the cognitive abilities of students on global warming material, the implementation of learning and the responses of students to the discovery learning model. This study used a quasy experimental design method, namely a one group pretest-posttest control design with three replications carried out in Tsanawiyah Islamic School. The sampling technique used purposive sampling using two classes (VII-F and VII-H). The data collection used is a test instrument, observation, interviews and response questionnaires. The results of the expert validation show that all the test instruments are very valid, because the test instruments have a moderate level of difficulty category, even though there is one number of difficult category questions in class VII-F and three difficult category questions in class VII-H. Correlation scores show significant and very significant categories, although the three questions are less categorical with a correlation value range of 0,491-0,800. The effectiveness of discovery learning model at Tsanawiyah Islamic School shows a good category in expert validation and student responses. Further research must be better and can be used in other learning materials.

Keywords: Effectiveness of learning model, Discovery Learning, Cognitive Abilities, Validation, Global Warming, Student Responses

Topic: Physics and Physics Education

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