Max Charts Performance in Monitoring Water pH
Niam Rosyadi, Muhammad Ahsan, Muhammad Mashuri

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya


Control charts are statistical tools used to monitor the stability of a process over time. Its used to detect changes in the mean or variability of a process, which can indicate the need for corrective action. The Max chart is a type of control chart that can be used to monitor both the mean and variability of a process simultaneously. It is a more powerful tool than traditional control charts, as it can detect smaller changes in the process. In this study, the Max chart was used to monitor the water pH of a shrimp pond in Madura, Indonesia. The data consisted of 116 samples, and the monitoring results using &#945-=0,0027 showed that 114 of the samples were in control, while 2 were out of control. This indicates that the water pH in the pond was stable for most of the time, but there were two instances where the pH changed significantly. The results of this study suggest that the Max chart is a valuable tool for monitoring the water quality of shrimp ponds. It can be used to detect changes in the water pH, which can help to ensure that the shrimp are living in a healthy environment

Keywords: control chart, max chart, water pH, shrimp pond, Madura, Indonesia

Topic: Mathematics and Statistics

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